052 Siege1 HM vs Coven1 BI
[Theme] Heavy Metal
[Brisbane 1] Major Markus “Siege” Brisbane [+28]
– Charger [9]
– Charger [9]
– Triumph [18]
– Squire [0(5)]
Journeyman Lieutenant Allister Caine [0(5)]
– Ace [10]
Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]
Thamarite Archon [8]
Alexia Ciannor & the Risen [10]
Field Mechaniks (min) [3]
Storm Strider [18]
Storm Strider [18]
[Theme] Black Industries
!!! This army contains a CID entry.
[Coven 1] The Witch Coven of Garlghast [+26]
– Barathrum [15]
– Deathjack [23]
– Deathripper [6]
– Doctor Stygius [4] – Proxy: Overlord
Hellslinger Phantom [0(7)]
Machine Wraith [2]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Void Archon [8]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Asphyxious the Sanctified [14] – Proxy: DBR
– Freebooter [9]
Cephalyx Overlords [8]
Cephalyx Overlords [8]
Turn 1A
Maybe not the best matchup, but I really wanted to play Siege1 because I had just finished painting up the army. At least I win the roll off and choose to go first. I take the eyeless sight objective because I have two battle engines and Coven has Stygian Abyss.
Turn 1B
Clouds go up and stuff stays mostly outside of threat.
Turn 2A
Ace tries a thunderbolt at Barathrum, but misses. The rightmost Strider walks into the zone and shoots and deals insignificant damage, but gets the crit disrupt. Triumph also shoots Bara, but misses. I walk up the central Charger to shoot as well, but he also deals negligble damage. I am not sure why I place him so far forward, but this is a clear mistake.
I am not able to contest the left zone because the obstruction would force the Strider to have been in charge range of Gaspy.
Turn 2B
Machine wraith walks up and overtakes my Charger who walks up into range of Deathjack. This was a nice play on my opponent’s part and definitely something I should have seen coming. Coven feats.
Gaspy scores the left zone and a pistol wraith scores the flag.
Score 0-2
Turn 3A
The Strider on the right side and Ace are both able to walk outside of feat. I want to kill the overlord in the zone with lightning generator attacks and then push Barathrum out of the zone with Ace. One Strider attack hits (with a crit again), but the leap fails to kill the Overlord. The second attack misses. Ace also misses. Alexia spawns a Thrall who runs to my flag and I run another Thrall into the left zone.
I originally forgot to contest my opponent’s flag, but after clocking over I immediately realized that he would then only need to kill a Thrall and my objective to win. My opponent kindly let me have the take back and run my Thamarite archon in to contest.
Score 1-2
Turn 3B
Barathrum charges the archon, but misses the attack and I dodge away. A which activates and swaps Infernal Machine over on deathjack who one-shots my archon. The pistol wraith on the left clears out the Thrall who was contesting the zone. I have mispositioned some mechanics on the right side, so the other pistol wrath takes out two of them.
Score 1-4
Turn 4A
Siege feats and finishes of Barathrum with a Ground pounder. I fail to kill Death jack. Caine kills the Pistol wraith and Ace kills the Hellbringer Phantom who is sitting on my opponent’s flag. If I want to have any hopes of winning this game I need the Charger to be a hero and kill Gaspy so that I can score my flag, but he only deals 7 damage. Acosta clears out the Void archon. I end up not scoring any points, so that will be the game.
I should have prioritized a bit differently on the right side. Instead of shooting Death jack I needed to use Caine and Ace to clear out the Overlords so that I could score the zone. On the left side I think I made the right call going for Gaspy instead of the Freebooter, but I should probably have Ground Poundered him instead of Barathrum and Death Jack. If I had managed to score two points and somehow avoid getting Siege killed I would have gotten to play another turn, but even then I am unsure how I would be able to win the game.
Score 1-4
Turn 4B
Coven scores 3 points and wins.
Sadly, a loss for the Swans
:: Evaluation ::
Coven BI is really good into gunlines and especially with double battle engines. My opponent played well and I made some mistakes along the way, which probably made the game a bit more one-sided than it had to be, but I am afraid it is a difficult game for Siege to win even without the goof-ups.