051 Rask1 WWFF vs Kolgrima1 SoN
[Theme] Will Work For Food
[Rask 1] Rask [+27]
– Blackhide Wrastler [16]
– Ironback Spitter [14]
– Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]
Dahlia Hallyr [17]
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)] –
Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]
Rorsh [15]
– Battle Boar [7]
Void Archon [8]
Farrow Valkyries [8] – Proxy: Precursor Knights
Wrong Eye [17]
[Theme] Storm of the North
[Kolgrima 1] Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]
– Dire Troll Bomber [17]
– Dire Troll Bomber [17]
– Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Dhunian Archon [0(6)]
Fell Caller Hero [5]
Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North [0(6)]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [6]
– Northkin Elder [3]
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears [10]
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears [10]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Trollkin Champions (max) [16]
– Skaldi Bonehammer [5]
Turn 1A
I have the first turn. With the snow drift clouds the centre of the board is almost completely covered with difficult or impassable terrain. I put up a proactive Veil of Mists over the wall and otherwise run up only respecting Fireeater threat with my juniors.
Trolls keep both Bears units in ambush.
Turn 1B
Kolgrima puts up some clouds in the center. Champions run up in the center and Fire eaters stay back spreading out.
Turn 2A
It’s feat turn for Rask. The Wrastler has Admonition up, so he runs up quite aggressively. Brine stays out of advance threat of Valka and the Champions. Snake, Void archon (with eyeless sight from the objective) and the Spitter deal a fair bit of damage to the Champions with ranged attacks.
Turn 2B
My opponent starts measuring if he can put Kolgrima in such a position that he can feat and push Brine out of Rask’s feat. This was a play that I had not considered, but I am very lucky that the angles just barely don’t work out for him.
Since I have feated there is not much Kolgrima can do than hold for a turn and try to set up for later turns. My opponent decides to go ahead and feat. I didn’t understand this decision at first, but after being reminded that I lose flight and pathfinder it makes sense considering the state of the terrain in the center. I think this was a very interesting way to play Kolgrima’s feat and potentially very strong against certain armies. Luckily for me it doesn’t prevent me from gaining pathfinder, so I have plenty of ways around it between Boundless charge, Ghostly from the Croc doc and pathfinder from Veil of Mists.
Score 0-0
Turn 3A
Rorsh shoots out the Fire eater in the zone and stays out of ambush range, camping 1 focus. Void archon gets Eyeless Boundless Charge and goes in on a Champion, catching all except Skaldi within Entropic force. The Battle Boar Primals the Wrastler who charges in on the Champions. With the clouds and stone they are pretty high def and arm, and the Dhunian archon further increases their survivability. After all is said and done I have reduced 3 to one box remaining (and on corrosion from last turn), while Skaldi is left on a couple of boxes. I decide to spend my last attack on the objective just to do something a bit more productive than killing a champion with one box left. This was maybe not the optimal decision, but I deal a good chunk of damage to the objective.
On the left I run the Valkyries to score the zone. I goof up and put one within Counter charge range of Valka who is able to charge in and end up contesting the zone. Luckily for me I am still close enough with Brine to walk up with Ghostly and kill Valka. More critically though I did not place any of the Valkyries within shield guard range of Rorsch and I managed to run Hermit just outside of 8” too, but we’ll come back to that later.
The right hand zone is uncontested, so Rask spends his activation to run in and score the point.
Score 2-0
Turn 3B
Corrosion goes out on one of the three Champions who were left on 1 box (yay averages!). Skaldi is outside of Entropic and heals 3 boxes from the objective. Bears come in on each side.
The right side Bomber walks up and kills the Void archon. Champions charge the Wrastler who Admonitions away. I still eat one charge and I am not sure why I didn’t hold my admo until the second Chamption had activiated. It doesn’t look like I was in any danger of being boxed in, so this was probably just a mistake on my part.
My opponent goes for an “assassination run” on Rorsch. The Fire eaters walk up to spray and the Bomber spends his two shots. I have to spend my transfer and take a tough check which luckily I pass, but now I am on 1 box, knocked down and on fire! This is a stupid position for me to be in because I have two shield guards standing approximately 3.5” inches away, and the hermit is also just outside of range. But this just goes to show how important it is that I keep my juniors safe. It will also be a good addition when I get my Dhunian archon model so that I can be a bit safer in situations like this.
No points are scored.
Score 2-0
Turn 4A
Rorsh rolls for fire and it … drumroll … goes out! The Wrastler frenzies off Primal and kills the Champion. With the Battle bears closing in I am really starting to feel the pressure, but I think I can score the three points I need to win. The first point is easy since I can Veil of Mists the obstruction to trample Snapjaw over and kill the lone Fire eater contesting the zone. The objective has already taken some damage, so the Spitter takes it down. Then it comes down to killing the Bomber and the one last Champion.
Hermit does Master of Rhuan and I load up the snake and charge in. I kill the Champion, but leave the Bomber on a couple of boxes. He is easily within Diversionary tactics and charge range of Brine, but I have run Dahlia, the Valkyrie and Hermit up in such a way that the charge lane is a bit dodgy. My opponent is kind enough to give me the benefit of the doubt and I charge in for the win.
Victory for the Minions!
:: Evaluation ::
It was so much fun to play against trolls again. I love the models and it is nice to see them back on the table. My opponent pointed out how important the Void archon was in the matchup, and thinking back on it it would have really sucked if he had rolled a bunch of toughs on those Champions. All in all I was really feeling the crunch with the Battle bears surrounding me, and if Rorsh had died I am convinced that I would have lost the game.
List wise I am pretty much set on swapping out one of the juniors for a void archon, a Dhunian archon and Boomhowler2. But I am really not sure if it is Dahlia or Wrong Eye who has to go. On paper Wrong Eye & Snapjaw are stronger, but I find that I get much more out of Skarath every game. The spray plays much better with Rask’s feat and the 2” melee range is nice since I don’t have a Swamp Horror in my list.