249 Ossrum vs Lylyth

249 Ossrum vs Lylyth

04.02.2024, 2d6 Thorri #1

First round of a nine player tournament at the local club. I have really not played a lot with the new scenarios so I am very shaky on the rules. We play Two Fronts which has the double scoring mechanic and extra 30mm objective for player two.


  • Earthbreaker
  • 3x Driller

Siege Crawler

2x Forge Guard

Tactical Arcanist Corps

Artillery Corps


Stonelord Guvul Gondor



  • Azrael
  • Searph
  • Neraph
  • Bolt Thrower
  • Harrier



2x Swordsmen + UA

Sorceress & Hellion

Ice Witches

Blighted Nyss Warlord

Blackfrost Shard



I win the roll-off and even though I have never played this scenario before it’s not exactly rocket science to figure out that going second will always be better. Picking sides is also quite easy with the central forest and lack of quicksand and houses for my huge bases to get stuck on. 

Turn 1A

Opponent runs up and keeps the most squishy models outside of shooting range, such as the Harm witch, Sorceress and Warlord. Fog of War goes up.

Turn 1B

I shoot Azrael with a Crater shot and keep everything outside of melee charge ranges. My rustyness shines through when I call Quake on the Artillery Corps, but luckily this was my last shot so it didn’t affect my attack rolls. 

Turn 2A

It takes a while for me to notice my mistake with the Artillery Corps shot, so unfortunately my opponent’s turn gets a bit disrupted by having Azrael knocked down. My opponent kindly insists that it didn’t matter much (even though it kind of did), but there is not a good way for us to restore the game state. 

Turn 2B

Ossrum feats and I run up stuff to contest all zones. I am really really tempted to try and shoot out the two Raptors with the Siege Crawler and score double points, but ultimately I decide that it is a much safer route to run the Crawler up in order to lock down my opponent’s 40mm objective. 

Score 3-0

Turn 3A

Opponent feats and melts the Earthbreaker with an -7 ARM swing. One of the Drillers was damage from the turn before and is also finished off. However, my opponent is unable to clear either of the scenario zones, which means that he is unable to score the point he needs to stop me from winning.

Score 3-0

Victory for the Mercenaries!

:: Evaluation ::

Clearly Ossrum is very strong on this scenario and especially going second. However, my opponent’s Lylyth list is a very good answer to my Earthbreaker build and he had a huge attrition advantage by the end of the game. Had he prioritized a bit differently he would have been able to keep it going for another turn and at that point I doubt I would have been able to keep the snowball rolling.

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