053 Shae1 TC vs Kaya3 DH

053 Shae1 TC vs Kaya3 DH



[Theme] Talion Charter

[Shae 1] Captain Phinneus Shae [+28]

– Mariner [14]

– Mariner [14]

Bosun Grogspar [0(5)]

Doc Killingsworth [4]

First Mate Hawk [5]

Lord Rockbottom [4]

Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile [4]

Powder Monkey [0(2)]

Powder Monkey [0(2)]

Powder Monkey [0(2)]

Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]

Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]

Press Gangers (min) [7]

Press Gangers (min) [7]

Sea Dog Deck Gun [0(3)]

Sea Dog Deck Gun [0(3)]

Sea Dog Pirates (min) [7]

– Sea Dog Pirate Rifleman (3) [3]

Sea Dog Pirates (max) [11]

– Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster [4]

– Sea Dog Pirate Rifleman (3) [3]

The Commodore Cannon & Crew [7]



[Theme] The Devourer’s Host

[Kaya 3] Kaya the Wildheart [+27]

– Gorax Rager [7]

– Scarsfell Griffon [8]

– Scarsfell Griffon [8]

– Scarsfell Griffon [8]

– Warpwolf Stalker [17]

– Warpwolf Stalker [17]

Lord of the Feast [0(6)]

Tharn Wolf Rider Champion [0(7)]

Tharn Wolf Rider Champion [0(7)]

Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]

Tharn Wolf Riders (min) [11]

Tharn Wolf Riders (min) [11]

Well of Orboros [10]

Turn 1A

Kaya gets the first turn. I am not convinced that I chose the right side here. I avoid all the difficult terrain pieces, but the trade off is that my movement is quite restricted for the left and central zone. Hopefully Veil of Mists will help to compensate for that.

Kaya chooses to skew deployment far to my right. With Fog of War up almost everything has stealth. My opponent considers staying outside of my max threat, but decides to keep some models within range while keeping the battle group models back.

The well poops out a Blackclad Wayfarer.


Turn 1B

I decide to go for the feat and a Veil of Mists to allow me to charge LotF behind the obstruction. I mess up a bit and forget to cast Coup de Main, but it is not a big deal since I am still within charge range of the most important targets.

Doubal spyglasses the leftmost champion and the cannon shoots it out. With the champion dead there are two Wolf riders outside of stealth, so my Mariner shoots out one rider. Rockbottom gives Payday to the pirates and they charge in. I am unfortunately not able to get more than two pirates in melee with Lord of the Feast. This is of course not enough to kill him at ARM 19, so he survives on approximately half boxes. The rest of the pirates kill one Wolf rider. I roll hot on the right side and manage to clear out the last Champion.

Doc and Grogspar run up behind the rock. At this point I have realised that Shae is standing way too far forward and is in real danger of dying from Lord of the Feast. I try to pack some models around him to deny landing spaces. Attrition wise it would have been much better to protect my two defensive solos instead.


Turn 2A

We oddsmachine the assassination and it is proabably somewhere around 60-70% assuming he can clear a line to get Lord within back arc of Shae. My opponent comments that he would probably have gone for it in a tournament situation, but since he has not played his list before he is keen to get a full game in.

Kaya feats and casts Synergy. Some activations are spent dealing with the 4+ tough no knockdown pirates up front, but in the end Lord of the Feast is free to walk over and kill Bosun Grogspar. A wolf rider deals with Doc Killingworth, and after that my pirates start falling like flies. The stalker ends up killing the Wayfarer due to Berserk.


Turn 2B

Since Kaya has feated I decide that there is little point to ambush in this turn. I will score a free point on the left side. It is possible to clear the center too, but it will be hard to clear out both the Gorax and the objective with ranged attacks. It starts well when I land the Kiss, but in the end I leave the Gorax on 2-3 boxes and the objective on 2 remaining. I do spend Dougal and the Cannon’s activation to kill a Scarsfell Griffon, which is nice, but with artillerist on the Mariner and the cannon finishing off the objective I would have been much more likely to succeed clearing the zone.

Shae is super afraid of the potential assassination and runs over to the wall on the left side.

Score 1-0


Turn 3A

The well shoots the Mariner catching Holt in the blast, but blast damage roll is really low and Holt survives on 1 box. Gorax heals from the objective and Primals the Stalker who charges in and kills my Mariner. Most of the remaining pirates are cleared out. Kaya gets two points from the right hand zone and killing the objective. I score the left zone.

Score 2-2


Turn 3B

I clear the centre zone quite and one of the Press Ganger units charges in and actually manages to kill the two remaining Wolf Riders. I didn’t realize during the game, but this actually means that I could have scored the right zone if hadn’t been a dumbass and put Bag Man outside of it for no reason at all. I didn’t expect to do so much damage, but it is worth to note for later games that I should try to set myself up to better take advantage of good dice.

Score 5-2

Turn 4A

The game has been going quite long at this point and my opponent needs to leave so he concedes the game. I think Kaya could have gotten a lot of attrition work done this turn, but scenario will be an issue for my opponent since he is currently unable to contest the left circular zone.

Technically, a win for the Mercenaries

:: Evaluation ::

This was a fun game and I think my opponent brought a nice and creative list. My takeaways are that I need to plan a bit better ahead to make sure that my caster will be safe even if all my plans don’t pan out. It was also a stupid mistake to not get the point with the Press Gangers even though it would not be reasonable to expect that I could clear the zone.

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