040 Rask WWFF vs Ashlynn LR
[Theme] Will Work For Food
[Rask 1] Rask [+27]
– Blackhide Wrastler [16]
– Ironback Spitter [14]
– Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]
Dahlia Hallyr [17]
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)] –
Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]
Rorsh [15]
– Battle Boar [7]
Void Archon [8]
Farrow Valkyries [8] – Proxy: Precursor Knights
Wrong Eye [17]
[Theme] Llaelese Resistance
[Ashlynn 1] Ashlynn d’Elyse [+29]
– Mule [14]
– Mule [14]
Eilish Garrity, the Occultist [0(5)]
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist [4]
Major Harrison Gibbs [4]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Ragman [4]
Taryn di la Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage [0(5)]
Thamarite Archon [8]
Thamarite Archon [8]
Crucible Guard Rocketmen (max) [15]
– Crucible Guard Rocketman Captain [0(4)]
– Rocketman Gunner (1) [2]
Dragon’s Breath Rocket [5]
Thorn Gun Mages [9]
Turn 1A
Terrain setup is the same as in the previous game, but we switch up the scenario. I get first turn and prettty much follow the same setup as last game. I put up Veil in the sweet spot by the forest.
Turn 1B
Everything stays outside of 16”. Quicken on Rocketmen.
Turn 2A
Spitter lobs a AOE into the pile of Rocketmen and catches Ragman in the blast. I boost damage and he goes down. This is awesome, because Ashlynn could run into problems with cracking armour efficiently enough. The two Rocketmen are blast immune, but are corroded.
I figure that one Valkyrie is enough to contest the left zone. On the right I don’t bother with contesting the right zone because of the Thorn Gun Mages and the Mule in the back. I do make sure that the central zone is thoroughly contested.
Turn 2B
Rocketmen do Defensive action. Four of them toe the right zone and three are kept in the centre zone. Mule is toeing the square with Admonition up. Otherwise stuff is mostly keeping back.
Score 0-1
Turn 3A
I send in Snapjaw with Primal and Fury up and Mule Admonitions out. Snappie misses both Rocketmen and they dodge away. He then kills the objective. I am a bit freaked out by missing both my boosted 8s so I forget that I can spend my remaining fury to put up Submerge. This would have so much better not only because this would have forced my opponent to commit more to remove him, but also because it would have denied him the debuff from Dragon’s breath rocket. At this point I am considering if I should give up the zone, but decide to try and clear it with Skarath and the Spitter. Skarath clears out two of the Rocketmen, but the aiming Spitter misses the last one (needing 9s). He dodges away into the rubble, just toeing the zone. This means that I have given away Snapjaw on my feat turn, but am not going to get anything back in return beside killing the objective. In hindsight this was probably a too risky play and I shouldn’t have gone for it.
Score 1-1
Turn 3B
DBR, a bunch of Rocketmen, Thamarites and Mule all shoot Snapjaw almost bringing him down. I really wish that I had cast Submerge. I thank the heavens that he doesn’t go down by shooting alone, so the converted Morrowan archon has to walk in to finish him off.
Other than that, nothing else happened except that the Mule on the right toed the zone. Interestingly Ashlynn has ended up quite far over to the right.
Score 1-1
Turn 4A
I cast Primal and Fury on Brine and send him in to clear the zone. He fails to finish off the Morrowan archon, so I need to commit the Wrastler too. Skarath aims and sprays out the last Rocket man to clear the central zone.
On the left I spend all available attacks from Rask, Rorsh, Wrong eye, Valkyries and the Void archon to try and clear the zone. It doesn’t go very well. In the end it doesn’t help because again there is one lone Rocketman left contesting the zone.
Score 2-1
Turn 4B
Eilish unbinds Admo on the Wrastler, and Mule and some archons finish it off. On the left side the Thorn Gun Mages and Mule kills Skarath with Guns. Hermit is pushed out of the zone. Ashlynn feats, but ends up not covering very far over to the right due to the skewed position last turn.
Score 2-2
Turn 5A
Brine frenzies and it looks like he actually hit a rocketman. Not sure how that happened, but maybe we forgot to account or feat (or maybe he just rolled high). The Valkyries get Fury and two of them charge in on the Morrowan archon with some help from Boundless charge. One manages to get within point blank range while staying outside of feat, but the other needs to be at 1”. With some help from Void archon Dark Shroud they manage to bring the Morrowan down. These guys hit at POW 17 and 19, but needing 8s to hit I am very pleased with the outcome.
Dahlia and Hemit run into the zone on the right to contest. Wrong eye walks up and casts Star Crossed.
Score 3-2
Turn 5B
Mule, Archons and DBR kill Brine, but fail to completely finish off my Void Archon. My opponent forgets about Haunting Melody so fails to remove Dahlia from the zone.
Score 3-2
Turn 6A
The wheels start falling off the wagon for me this turn. It starts with the Battle Boar Primaling, adrenalizing and charging Gorman, but fail to hit both initials. It doesn’t matter though, because the Furied Valkyries and the Void archon fail to kill the Mule who is still in the zone. To make matters worse Rask, Rorsh and Wrong eye end up missing the Thamarite a bunch and leaving it on one box. This means that I end the turn scoring zero points and killing only one model as the spitter nukes the snot out of Major Gibbs.
Score 3-2
Turn 6B
Red Thamarite kills Wrong eye and takes position behind the wall. The Mule is crippled so it fails to do any damage. The Mule on the right walks over to kill Dahlia so that the Thorn gun mages could score the zone.
Score 3-3
Turn 7A
I forget to resolve the Battle Boar’s frenzy. This means that the Spitter can shoot down the Thamarite archon, which should probably not have been possible since he should have been engaged by the Battle Boar.
Rorsh and Rask fail to clear out the Thamarite, so I need to turn around the Valkyries, take free strikes from the Mule with crippled arm, and hope to roll the 8 to hit. Luckily I do so at least I score the right zone. I was hoping to be able to use the Valkyries and score the center zone. The Soul slave runs to contest the right zone.
Score 4-3
Turn 7B
Mule walks in to contest the right zone and the gun mages clear out the soul slave to score the right zone. DBR and Mule kills the Battle boar.
Score 4-4
At this stage we should have ended the game and counted army points destroyed. However, we are dumbasses and have miscounted the rounds so we end up playing one more. I count up that Ashlynn has killed 79 points and I have killed 75 points, so a super narrow loss for me. But let’s go to the Bonus round and see what happens!
(Bonus round) Turn 8A
Spitter frenzies and deals some damage to my own objective. Rask shoots down the Mule and boundless chargers the last Valkyrie who charges and kills Eilish. Rorsh runs over to contest the right zone.
I had to double check after the game that warbeasts who frenzied actually can score the zone, but I can’t find anything in SR 2019 that states that they are not scoring so I assume we played it correctly.
Score 6-4
(Bonus round) Turn 8B
Mule walks in to contest the square zone and kills the objective. Ashlynn runs in to score the left circular zone and the Thorn Gun mages push out Rorsh and Spitter. This means that my opponent scores Four points and I score one.
Score 7-8
Sadly, a loss for the Minions
:: Evaluation ::
This game was pretty exciting. I don’t know how it ended up this close, because I missed out on quite a lot of scoring opportunities during the game. But on the other hand my opponent also missed a point with Dahlia surviving one round longer than she should have. Attrition wise it was not looking good for me, but the Farrow Valkyries with Fury on them started doing a lot of work during the last couple of turns.
I think me getting the lucky scatter on Ragman really helped keeping me in the game for as long as I did. The debuff from the Dragon’s breath rocket accounted for a crazy amount of damage during the game and with Ragman on top it would have been even harder for me to keep any pieces alive.