039 Rask1 WWFF vs Fiona Flame

039 Rask1 WWFF vs Fiona Flame



[Theme] Will Work For Food

[Rask 1] Rask [+27]

– Blackhide Wrastler [16]

– Ironback Spitter [14]

– Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]

Dahlia Hallyr [17]

Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)] –

Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]

Rorsh [15]

– Battle Boar [7]

Void Archon [8]

Farrow Valkyries [8] – Proxy: Precursor Knights

Wrong Eye [17]



[Theme] Flame in the Darkness

[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]

– Charger [9]

– Gallant [17]

Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]

Glyn Cormier, Illuminated One [0(5)]

Grand Master Gabriel Throne [7]

Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

Morrowan Archon [8]

Morrowan Archon [8]

Thamarite Archon [8]

Thamarite Archon [8]

Order of Illumination Vigilants (max) [10]

Precursor Knights (max) [14]

– Morrowan Battle Priest (3) [0(6)]

– Precursor Knight Officer & Standard [4]


Turn 1A

I get first turn. Opponent gives me the side with the annoying obstruction. I take care so that my stuff is outside of Befuddle + shooting range of the Charger.


Turn 1B

I forgot to take a picture, but my opponent goes for the Befuddle plus curse play on Skarath. I hadn’t measured ranges to all the Vigilants and the Thamarite archon properly, so it comes a little bit too close for comfort to dying, but it survives on sub 10 boxes. After the Befuddle Skarath ends up just outside of Dahlia’s control range, but my opponent insists that I put her a bit forward to keep him in control. I accept the takeback, but will have to try to remember that in the future when I play Jrs. against Befuddle and TK casters.

Turn 2A

Gallant is just outside of Snapjaw’s threat, but I can reach him if I overtake from a couple of the Vigilants who are standing nearby. We discuss a bit back and forth if it is worth going for because he can always deny overtake with Roth’s Mercy. But of course that means that I get to kill more Vigilants. I end up going for it and Snapjaw chews through the entire unit. He ends his activation with 3 fury, but no Submerge.

Rask feats and makes sure that scenario elements are contested and scored. I am very indecisive with my Void archon, so he ends up just staying behind the obstruction. This is terrible play and he should be much more aggressively positioned on my feat turn.


Turn 2B

Precursors finish off Skarath and Snapjaw is killed by a combination of shooting and Gallant’s melee attacks. Fiona feats and scores his circular zone. Alexia2 has gathered a couple of souls so she spawns some Thralls who run in to jam. My opponent forgets to score his flag

Score 1-1


Turn 3A

I send in Brine to clear out Throne who was contesting the left circular zone, and the Valkyries run in to score. Wrong eye clears out the jamming Thrall warriors and the Spitter aims a shot at Alexia2, but she survives on 2 boxes. Dahlia runs to contest the right zone. Wrastler runs back and I put up a Veil of mists. He should be quite safe there because he has Admonition on and the Hermit has not spent his minifeat, so I can protect against Chasten. Again the Void archon is too passive, just throwing a spray on Throne.

Score 3-1


Turn 3B

Opponent clears out Wrongeye moves the green Thamarite up to score. Precursors minifeat and kill the Spitter even without charges, and the converted Morrowan archon kills Dahlia. Opponent could have sequenced this a bit differently to kill Dahlia first and get the charges off, but with the way he vengeanced this was not possible. But my Spitter went down easily enough, so it didn’t end up mattering.

Since some of the Precursors have left the zone, Fiona has to run up to score. His Hermit contests the left zone, but my flag is uncontested.

Score 4-3


Turn 4A

Void and two Vigilants finish off Hermit, and my Hermit runs up to contest. I bring Brine back into the fight. The Battle boar gets Boundless charge, puts Primal on himself and Andrenalizes. The plan is to charge some of the PKs near his zone and overtake in to contest. The plan falls short because the Battle Priest toughs, so I need to spend my second initial to finish him off, and then I miss my Berserk attack (needing a 6). I can’t remember why I attacked the Battle priest, but it is possible that I didn’t have range to charge the PKs directly.

Score 6-4


Turn 4B

The blue Morrowan archon runs in to contest the right zone. Fiona Befuddles and Curses the Wrastler and the Charger and Thamarites start shooting. Luckily he has to burn 6 attacks on the Hermit first, so the Wrastler takes only minimal damage.

Score 7-6


Turn 5A

I need all the Valkyries (with Fury), a full stack on Brine and the Void archon to clear out the blue Morrowan from the zone. Minions aren’t really well equipped to deal with the new high DEF meta, and especially not when Primal is lost. The Wrastler is the only thing that can contest his flag, but he needs to trample to get anywhere. I decide that it is worth it, and who knows: Maybe Admo will save him. He gets Rage from Rask (probably a mistake with Gallant in play) and tramples in, but misses two of his attacks vs the Charger. The attack that lands deals minimal damage. I would probably have been better off keeping the Wrastler back and give up one more point.

Score 9-7


Turn 5B

Alexia dies from Corrosion. This is the turn when the attrition game is catching up with me. Fiona Chastens away Admo and Gallant kills the Wrastler easily. Thamarites shoot out the Soul slave on my flag and his converted Morrowan archon runs in to score it. PKs destroy the objective, so now my opponent scores four points to my one.

Score 10-11


Turn 6A

Brine frenzies and kills a Valkyrie. The remaining Valkyries charge the enemy objective (note that they have been pushed away from the table on the picture, but technically they are still in play), and the Void archon finishes it off and teleports to contest the enemy flag. I put all my shooting into the Morrowan archon on the flag, but deal only 6 boxes. I try to get a Thamarite archon with the spray, but my attack misses. We score two points each.

Score 12-13


Turn 6B

Gallant kills the Void archon, and a PK sneaks in to contest my zone. Opponent scores 3 points

Score 12-16


Turn 7A

Brine kills the morrowan on my flag and Rorsh scores it. Rask scores my zone and the Valkyries run in to contest his flag. I score two and opponent scores one.

Score 14-16


Turn 7B

Opponent runs in to contest my flag and wins by first tiebreaker.

Score 15-17

Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries

:: Evaluation ::

This was a good game, but unfortunately a bit of an uphill struggle for me since due to the low MAT numbers I have available to me. I should have played the Void Archon more aggressively on my feat turn, and he was for sure on the wrong side of the table. I also felt that I got too little out of Skarath. Losing two heavies on Rask’s feat turn is quite painful.

I played the end game well here, but it should be mentioned that both I and my opponent clocked out towards the end (I clocked first to be honest). The problem was that my opponent got and early positional advantage and I had to try to catch up all game. He could easily remove everything I sent in, but for me it was a real struggle to kill his Morrowan archons, and I had to pay for it by sacrificing heavies or frenzy checks.

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