041 Rask1 WWFF vs Vlad2 WoW

041 Rask1 WWFF vs Vlad2 WoW



[Theme] Will Work For Food

[Rask 1] Rask [+27]

– Blackhide Wrastler [16]

– Ironback Spitter [14]

– Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]

Dahlia Hallyr [17]

Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)] –

Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]

Rorsh [15]

– Battle Boar [7]

Void Archon [8]

Farrow Valkyries [8] – Proxy: Precursor Knights

Wrong Eye [17]



[Theme] Wolves of Winter

[Vladimir 2] Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion [+27]

– Devastator [14]

– Devastator [14]

Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]

Koldun Lord [0(4)]

Koldun Lord [4]

Void Archon [8]

Void Archon [8]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

– Greylord Escort [3]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

– Greylord Escort [3]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

Greylord Ternion [0(7)]

Greylord Ternion [0(7)]


Turn 1A

Vlad gets first turn. The sides feel quite similar, so I just go for the side that I already have unpacked all my stuff on.


Turn 1B

I agonize over whether or not to feat this early, but I decided to go against my instincts and try the early feat. The problem is that with Apparition and feat the Doom Reavers still threat anything between 8 and 13”. I decide to place my stuff outside of 10” to at least force out a feat. The Wrastler is a bit closer, but with Admonition up. I put the Battle boar in front of Snapjaw to deny some space, but in this matchup I think the Battle Boar is actually more important. Especially pre-feat.


Turn 2A

No picture unfortunately, but Vlad feats and walks in. They kill Brine and the Battle Boar.

Turn 2B

I clear out some stuff, but the loss of Primal hurts and most of my attacks miss. Wind Ravager denies me the opportunity to fly the Void Archon into back arcs. I end up not scoring any points due to one annoying last Doom reaver.

Score 0-1


Turn 3A

Void archon ports in and kills Rorsh and Wrong eye. I clock over to decide on Hermit, but figure he needs an unboosted 11 for the kill, so I decide against it. Of course my opponent rolls the 11 and I fail the tough check. Some damage is dealt to the Wrastler and Spitter,

Score 0-2


Turn 3B

I need to go for a crazy long odds assination, so I try to sneak up the Wrastler through the obstruction to get into melee with Vlad, but first I need to clear the Devastator and two Doom Reavers. It fails so my opponent scores another point.

Score 0-3

Turn 4A

Opponent has multiple ways to score the last two points needed for the win.

Sadly, a loss for the Minions

:: Evaluation ::

Not the best matchup and I made some silly mistakes along the way like giving away my Battle Boar early. Of course it was bad luck losing Wrongeye to the Void archon, but I could have avoided it by Hermitting the attack.

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