012 Fiona TC vs Old Witch 3 Bump
Shodown 15-19: Game 1
[Theme] Talion Charter
[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Mariner [14]
– Mariner [14]
– Mariner [14]
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile [4]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]
Press Gangers (min) [7]
Scharde Dirge Seers [0(6)]
Sea Dog Deck Gun [0(3)]
Sea Dog Deck Gun [0(3)]
Sea Dog Pirates (min) [7]
– Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster [4]
– Sea Dog Pirate Rifleman (3) [3]
The Commodore Cannon & Crew [7]
[Theme] Bump in the Night
[Old Witch 3] Zevanna Agha, the Fate Keeper [+27]
– Clockatrice [13]
– Clockatrice [13]
– Clockatrice [13]
– Clockatrice [13]
– Gorehound [6]
– Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts [4]
Grave Ghoul [4]
Lord Longfellow [0(6)]
Mad Caps [4]
Malady Man [0(6)]
Malady Man [0(6)]
Neigh Slayers (max) [12]
– Neigh Slayer War Horse [4]
Neigh Slayers (max) [12]
– Neigh Slayer War Horse [4]PAGE_BREAK: PageBreakTurn 1A
Respawn on the green clock. Wind storm is up.
I forget my TC blast templates because I am stupid. I even talked about it before the game!
Turn 1B
Fiona kills the Mad Caps with a boosted soul fire. Catastrophic happens on disabled, so soulfire doesn’t RFP. The explosion kills my arc target. This means I can’t cast Curse on the blue clock. Nut sure what is better since if I miss my boosted Soulfire I would at least have been able to boost the curse. It would probably have been better to just run up another cultist. Since I can’t curse I throw up Roth’s Mercy on the cultist.
I minifeat Dougal and shoot everything on the blue clock. The rolls are pretty good and I just manage to kill it.
Fiona is located within spray range of the blue and the pink clockatrice, camping 0. My thinking is that I want to be within 4” of the Treasure Chest next turn. The problem is that if the blue Clock survives I am almost exactly 50% to die from those two sprays. Since I was not able to curse the I am not at all guaranteed to shoot out the blue clock. At that point I should have stayed out of threat.
Turn 2A
After some deliberation OW feats and walks up aggressively. Clocks spray out some stuff here and there. I suspect my opponent forgot about Chasten since he would have most likely been better off running his orange and green clock into locations with better cover forcing me to spend 3 focus on befuddle (which could even miss on a rerollable 10 boosted). Pink clock is within 4” of my flag and behind cover. The surviving Mad caps crew touches left zone.
Turn 2B
Ayana kiss the Respawn clock. Fiona curses it and Chastens off the respawn. Feat goes up Cultists charge in and trigger stutter. Black Mariner finishes off the clock. One cultist is contesting his flag. Central Freebooter gets the throw on the pink clock so that Dougal can score the flag. Mariner misses the Baron Toungeclick.
Score 1-0
With the Dirge seers over by the right hand zone I have plenty of contesting models, so there is no reason to not run a River Raider into the zone behind the cloud. It will mess up his order of activation and due to the feat it will not be a guaranteed kill for the Gorehound.
Turn 3A
Gorehound kills the contesting pirate and the Neigh Slayers take the right zone. The Neigh Slayers on the left side do decent damage to the Freebooter despite being in Fiona’s feat. Respawn goes on Purple clock who retakes the sweet spot contesting the flag. My opponent is afraid to go down to 0 camp and opts to not cast Wind Storm.
Score 1-2
Turn 3B
I think long and hard about which side my Ambushers should choose and decide to go for the right. Curse goes up on the right Neigh Slayers and I try a boosted Soulfire on the Baron, but I only end up doing 3 damage! Ayana lands a kiss on the left Neigh Slayers. Since Wind storm is not up I can shoot with everything and in the end he is left with two Slayers in the right hand zone and one on the left (Dougal alone shooting out three). The cannon gets a decent slam on the Neigh Slayer leader and knocks down the gorehound. The central Freebooter repeats the clock thow to clear the flag again.
Score 2-2
I mess up and go for a boosted Mariner shot on the Malady man, but it turns out that he has cover so the shot misses. Would have been much better to kill a neigh slayer or even better just go for the Baron.
Turn 4A
From this point we are both very low on clock so I don’t take any more pictures. I am not 100% sure about the details but basically he is only able to run stuff in to contest. Next turn I clear my flag and the left zone, but forget that I have one press ganger out of the zone engaging the Grave Ghoul. We slap the clock back and forward for some turns, but in the end my opponent clocks out with the score at 5-2 to me.
Victory for the Mercenaries!