013 Damiano SoF vs Fyanna2 PT

013 Damiano Sof vs Fyanna2 PT

Shodown 15-19: Game 2



[Theme] Primal Terrors

[Fyanna 2] Fyanna, Torment of Everblight [+28]

– Golab [17]

– Neraph [12]

– Raek [8]

– Raek [8]

– Raek [8]

– Raek [8]

– Raek [8]

– Raek [8]

Spell Martyr [1]

Spell Martyr [1]

The Forsaken [0(4)]

Chosen of Everblight (min) [12]

Chosen of Everblight (min) [12]

Hellmouth [0(6)]

Hellmouth [0(6)]



[Theme] Soldiers of Fortune

[Damiano 1] Captain Damiano [+28]

– Freebooter [9]

– Freebooter [9]

– Freebooter [9]

– Freebooter [9]

– Rocinante [16]

Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [0(7)]

Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye [4]

Stannis Brocker [0(7)]

Steelhead Arcanist [4]

Steelhead Ironhead [4]

Steelhead Ironhead [4]

Steelhead Cannon Crew [0(6)]

Steelhead Cannon Crew [6]

Steelhead Halberdiers (max) [11]

Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (max) [18]PAGE_BREAK: PageBreak


Having played this matchup a couple of times now I know this is going to be a rough matchup. I am also not super happy to see Bunker against such an aggressive scenario caster. Luckily I have a couple of factors going for me: 1) I have first turn, 3) he has only 3 solos, and 3) There are not golden spots for Hellmouths on this map.

I choose to put my steelheads on the left for two reasons: The rock is a nice hiding place for Alexia2 and Nicolas, and the Freebooters can run through the shallow water on both mine and my opponent’s side. In hindsight I suspect that this may have been a mistake since it forces me to split my steelheads between the rock, making it difficult to break through and start scoring the flag.

A quick word on how terrain was done this tournament. My opponent was actually the TO, but he distributed terrain maps for all rounds before the start of the first round. This feels like a very fair way to set up and I didn’t hear any complaints on the terrain during the tournament.


Turn 1A

Running up aggressively taking care to avoid drag and any charges on Cavalry. Road to war is up and Death march on the Cavalry. I forgot to deploy the grey SH cannon, but my opponent is kind enough to let me bring him in.


Turn 1B

Fyanna goes up and feats. Admo on Golab, Fury on Neraph and Iron Flesh on the central Chosen.


Turn 2A

As always the feat turn becomes a big mess because the dice become so swingy that it is impossible to plan ahead. I consider sending a Freebooter in on the left Hellmouth, but then I can’t find spot for Damiano which covers wide enough to also keep the steelheads within feat. I decide to just durdle around with the three Freebooters and end up being lucky enough to hit two of my 12s to hit the feated Raeks. I either spread out my attacks or roll terrible for damage, don’t remember. I am also pretty sure I forgot to add feat to my damage rolls.

I knock down two Chosen, but due to some bad rolls I can’t for the life of me clear the last tentacle to get the green Freebooter into melee with both. In the end I have to spend Stannis on a tentacle and the freebooter on only one Chosen. Then the cav only gets to charge the remaining knock down Chosen on the left side of the stone. On the right side, I get a Raek and a Chosen, but I fail to finish them off.

Score 1-1

Here’s what I think I should have done with my Steelheads: Clear the tentacles with Ironheads and Stannis. Green Freebooter kills the two KD’d Chosen and RtW away. With an Ironhead crane I should be able to get two feated Cav on the Hellmouth. I also think I should test a different upkeep strategy from the last Fyanna games. If I start with DM on the halbs I can hot swap it over to the Cavalry. This way I am not able to Surefoot the Halbs, but I get to do some relevant work with the Halbs on my feat turn. Plus I can get a bit more out of vengeance. Not sure which strategy is better, but I will test next game.


Turn 2B

Admonition is dropped. Neraph (with Fury) goes in on one of the Freebooters. Here my opponent makes a mistake and places the Neraph outside of Fyanna’s control. This leads to an unfortunate situation where Fyanna needs to go into to open to keep him in for next turn. She needs to camp 3 to be safe instead of casting IF on the remaining unit of Chosen.

Golab gets Fury and deletes the greenbooter. On the right side I lose 3 Cavalry (two of them were outside of feat). I lose 4 Halberdiers this turn, well assisted by me forgetting about Sure foot.

Score 1-1

My opponent was very happy to discover that all me Freebooters had taken a box of damage from Fleet. I am not sure it would have been worth it to forego the 2”, but in this case I am pretty sure I could have had set up such that the Ironheads could have repaired the green Freebooter.


Turn 3A

This turn I really want to get a Freebooter on Golab. To do that I need to kill at least one of the damaged Raeks on the left side. This fails and I use the last Freebooter to finish off the Raek instead. The right side is a complete deadlock where I can’t hit Raeks or do enough damage to the Chosen. I mess up the placement of the Halberders on the right side of the rock so that the Cavalry leader is unable to charge the Raek (I have run out of coins at this point). I decide to have Rocinante kill the Forsaken instead of taking another shot at Golab.

Score 2-2

Rocinante should have charged in and killed the last Raek to clear the Freebooter charge. This would not only kill Golab, but also have contested his zone. I could even have used his Quick draw shot to kill the Forsaken. I have also been too liberal with coins for money shot this game. My last coin should have been repos on the Halberdiers.

PAGE_BREAK: PageBreakTurn 3B

Opponent is having some frenzy issues at the start of his turn. He activates the Hellmouth before remembering to heal Golab with the objective. I am feeling the pressure of the game and tell him it is too late – forgetting that he let me deploy the Cannon during my 1st turn. It turns out that Golab still has all aspects so it wouldn’t have given him any real advantage anyway.

Golab and Neraph delete a Freebooter each and my last Cavalry bites the dust. There is a Freebooter behind the Neraph’s wings so no points can be scored on the flags.

Score 2-3


Turn 4A

Rocinante charges in, but fails to kill the Neraph. I have a hell of a struggle killing the half-dead Raek in my zone. I think it is blast damage from the SH cannon that finally gets the last pair of boxes.

I kill two of the last Chosen and the Cav leader kills a Raek.

Score 3-3

It should have been possible for me to spawn a Alexia2 Thrall such that it could have run to his zone to contest. Maybe I wouldn’t have killed the right hand Chosen, but he is out of position anyway. It would have been better to contest and maybe kill the chosen by the hellmouth.


Turn 4B

Golab kills the last Freebooter and sprints into melee with Rocinante. The defensive strike deals a good chunk of damage. This clears the right flag. He fails to contest my zone because the central Raek fails his threshold check.

Score 4-5


Turn 5A

Rocinante kills Golab, Neraph and the Spell martyr.

I end my turn with 8 seconds left, not being able to activate anything on the right side of the table.

Score 5-7

Turn 5B

I don’t have any more pictures, but for the last two turns he contests my zone and scores his zone. I run rocinante in to score his zone once, but he is already out-scoring me. The game ends with score 6-9 in my opponent’s favour and me on 1 second left.

Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries

Aside from clock my biggest issue this game is that I don’t get access to the scoring elements. I am nowhere close to killing the Hellmouths and the the central flag is always congested by Raeks and other stuff. With some gameplay improvement I could get some more attrition work done and contest his zone once or twice, but I can’t see how I turn it to a victory. I basically need to table my opponent and have a couple of 3-4 point turns towards the end.

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