011 Damiano SoF vs Fyanna2
Same day as the previous game and almost the same list, but different opponent.
[Theme] Primal Terrors
[Fyanna 2] Fyanna, Torment of Everblight [+28]
– Golab [17]
– Neraph [12]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
Spell Martyr [1]
Spell Martyr [1]
The Forsaken [0(4)]
Chosen of Everblight (min) [12]
Chosen of Everblight (min) [12]
Hellmouth [0(6)]
Hellmouth [0(6)]
[Theme] Soldiers of Fortune
[Damiano 1] Captain Damiano [+28]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Rocinante [16]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [0(7)]
Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye [4]
Stannis Brocker [0(7)]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Cannon Crew [0(6)]
Steelhead Cannon Crew [6]
Steelhead Halberdiers (max) [11]
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (max) [18]PAGE_BREAK: PageBreak
Turn 1A
Damiano gets first turn again and puts up the same spells as last time. I have learned my lesson and spread my jacks. The terrain is problematic for me because of the central rubble and perfect Hellmouth hiding place in the left zone. I therefore choose pathfinder objective over anchor this game to mitigate the terrain a little bit. My feat stops hellmouth drags anyway and after that I hope to be able to kill at least the right Hellmouth which is has the most scare drag angles.
The cavalry leader is misplaced within charge range of two tentacles. I knew it was a mistake already when I placed him there (even commented on it), but put him there to hope he would trigger vengeance. With no flank the vengeance attack isn’t going to do any damage anyway and I am too boxed in to get any movement benefit, so this is a clear mistake.
Turn 1B
Opponent chooses a similar strategy and feats aggressively. Spell distribution is a bit different with Fury on the Neraph. The Cavalry leader ends up dying, of course. Opponent sets up a wall of Raeks in front of his flag to block me off.
Turn 2A
Cannon shoots the central IF Chosen and knocks down the Raek in the AoE. Rocinante finishes off the IF Chosen near the rubble, but the charging Thrall fails to kill the Raek. Damiano feats and the light blue Freebooter gets Sure foot and toes the zone just outside of threat of Golab.
I make a mistake and do my point blank attack on a Raek which dodges to the wall. This blocks Stannis’ charge lane to the Hellmouth. I lose focus when this happens and charge Stannis out of feat to kill a Chosen on the right. This is a pretty hopeless mistake since it leaves him 100% guaranteed dead next turn.
The black Freebooter has RtW’ed backwards, but he should have gone forwards to be more relevant. Maybe to the end of Golab’s threat.
The left cannon ran to the left to start shooting the Hellmouth. This is a questionable move, but he is to 7 hit (5 with mark the target) and dice-3 dmg on two dice so I think it is worth the risk.
Turn 2B
Opponent kills objective, Stannis, 2 cav and the central cannon. Spell martyr scores the flag.
Score 0-2
Turn 3A
I try to find an angle to shoot the spell martyr with my cannon, but he is just out of line of sight. I spend a long time finding a way to free up the leftmost Freebooter so he can get over to contest the flag without getting dragged from the free strike (ending my activation). I also don’t want to give up the back arc attacks I have available with the black Freebooter. Plan A is to clear the Ironhead so I can crane and RtW so that the Freebooter can walk up and punch the Hellmouth. I end up playing for Rocinante triggering a quick draw shot off the Chosen near my flag and then shoot the tentacle in combat. I end up not killing the Chosen, so the Freebooter needs to take the free strike anyway. In an insane moment of luck the tentacle misses!
On the right side I fail to achieve much due to bad to hit rolls and lack of planning to set up for flank charges. A learning point is that this becomes exponentially more difficult once I lose Tactician from Stannis.
Score 0-1
I see now an alternative method to “Free the booter” on the right side: If I Road to War out of melee with the tentacle he can drag me all he wants, but would still be able to activate later in the turn.
Turn 3B
I forgot to take a picture, but it is pretty straight forward. He clears the right zone and scores his flag. Last turn my caster was on 0 camp and in threat of 3, maybe 4 Raeks, so there was a pretty obvious assassination potential here.
Score 0-4
We discussed it a bit in the beginning of my opponent’s turn and agree that he will be in such a strong scenario position after this turn that it would be safer to play it out. The assassination becomes a bit dicy because Guard Dog on Rocinante. It is probably best for my opponent to try to go for a headbutt with one Raek first and see if he gets it. If not he can always just switch plans and play the long game.
Turn 4A
I am going to lose on scenario next turn, so I need to go for a caster kill. Luckily the Neraph is placed just in front of Fyanna who is camping 0 due to a surprisingly tough Steelhead Cavalry. I can use Road to War to position the blue Freebooter for a slam on the Neraph to knock down Fyanna. Rocinante shoots and Alexia2 kills her off with a boosted hellfire.
Victory for the Mercenaries!