010 Damiano SoF vs Fyanna2
[Theme] Primal Terrors
[Fyanna 2] Fyanna, Torment of Everblight [+28]
– Golab [17]
– Neraph [12]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
– Raek [8]
Spell Martyr [1]
Swamp Gobber Chef [1]
The Forsaken [0(4)]
Chosen of Everblight (min) [12]
Chosen of Everblight (min) [12]
Hellmouth [0(6)]
Hellmouth [0(6)]
[Theme] Soldiers of Fortune
[Damiano 1] Captain Damiano [+28]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Rocinante [16]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [0(7)]
Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye [4]
Stannis Brocker [0(7)]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Cannon Crew [0(6)]
Steelhead Cannon Crew [6]
Steelhead Halberdiers (max) [11]
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (max) [18]
Turn 1A
I run up avoiding drag ranges. Death march on cavalry
Again I miss that I need to deploy at least one Freebooter on either side on this scenario when I go first. These zones can be very easily up for grabs later in the game.
Turn 1B
Fyana runs everything up and feats, keeping everything in control. Right Hellmouth jams with tentacles. Fury on central Chosen, Iron Flesh on rightmost Chosen, and Admonition on Golab.
Turn 2A
Stannis and Halbs clear tentacles and cav takes out the Hellmouth. Two cav also manage to take out a Raek (MAT 10 with DM and flank), not using their point blank attacks. Cannon kills one of the Fury’d Chosen, but Rocinante misses another who dodges forward. Feat up and Sure foot on the forward blue Freebooter.
I am giving up on the right hand zone, but try to put enough contesting models in the central zone. We start discussing a bit if it is enough and I get nervous so as the last activation I run the black ironhead in front of the Shure foot Freebooter. This triggers Admonition. My opponent lets me have a take-back since I think it would be game breaking as he can now get Golab into Rocinante who is my only real heavy hitter after feat. Looking back at it in hindsight I would probably have been better off putting the Ironhead in the zone.
Turn 2B
Fyanna just managed to clear the zone. It came down to the wire with Golab needing a 15 on 4 dice on the last damage roll. Had the Ironhead been in the zone I am sure it would have held. The rolls even out on the left side where three of his Raeks do minimal damage to my cav, missing a lot of 7 to hit. In hindsight he should probably have taken the jumps and gotten back-arcs, but I could easily have lost two, maybe three more cav here (though one of them was in feat range).
Score 0-4
Turn 3A
Steelheads on the right do miraculously well and clear the whole zone. Alexia spawns 3 thralls who finish off the objective. If I only had a Jack who could score the zone…
It turns out that if Rocinante can kill the Raek jamming my black Freebooter the booter he can RtW forward and just make it to the zone (taking a free strike from the Neraph). This fails, so the Freebooter gets the kill and RtW into the central zone to contest.
In the center the cannon shoots the Fury’d Chosen, killing it and knocking Golab down. Freebooter kills him easily with Trash triggered.
Score 1-4
Turn 3B
Fyanna needs to leave 1 fury on the Neraph. It’s my lucky day and he fails his threshold check. Opponent clears the right zone, but due to the Neraph frenzying he is not able to kill the last Freebooter.
Score 1-5
Turn 4A
I clear the flag, but the black freebooter has unfortunately lost movement so I am still unable to score the right zone. Damiano runs up in position to potentially score next turn. Alexia gets a soul from the Chosen and spawns a thrall who runs to the right hand zone.
Score 2-5
Turn 4B
Lacking pictures, but raek kills the thrall and he contests to score 2-6.
Turn 5A
I run out of time.
Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries
:: Evaluation ::
It was a great game with a dice rolls going my way. My two mistakes of not putting enough in the central zone and not having a jack to score the right zone made would have made up for the 4 point difference. I was also up on attrition by the end of the game so without these mistakes and better time management I could have won the game.