138 Gorten1 Irreg vs Feora4 CM

138 Gorten1 Irreg vs Feora4 CM


We have time for one more game so I keep my Gorten list more or less the same while my opponent swaps to Feora4. I make one change to my list by Eiryss for another Gunner. I feel that Gorten isn’t doing anything for Eiryss and she isn’t adding to the list either. I would much rather have another solid worker model than have to worry about her getting blasted off the table by a stray AoE or a random spray. 

Gorten Grundback – WJ: +31

–    Ghordson Basher – PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)

–    Ghordson Driller – PC: 10 (Battlegroup Points Used: 10)

–    Grundback Blaster – PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

–    Grundback Blaster – PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

–    Grundback Gunner – PC: 6

–    Grundback Gunner – PC: 6

–    Grundback Gunner – PC: 6

–    Grundback Gunner – PC: 6

Artificer Prime Nemo – Nemo & 3 Arcane Mechaniks: 18

–    Arcane Mechaniks

–    Toro – PC: 13

Anastasia di Bray – PC: 3

Gudrun the Wasted – PC: 0

Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor – PC: 0

Dez & Gubbin, Dynamite Duo – PC: 0

Boomhowler, Solo Artist – PC: 6

Kell Bailoch – PC: 3

Kayazy Eliminators – Leader & Grunt: 4

Kayazy Eliminators – Leader & Grunt: 4




[Theme] The Creator’s Might

[Feora 4] Feora, the Forsaken [+28]

 – Dervish [7]

 – Dervish [7]

 – Dervish [7]

 – Revenger [8]

 – Revenger [8]

Exemplar Warder [0(5)]

Exemplar Warder Elias Gade [0(3)]

Menite Archon [9]

Menite Archon [9]

Scrutator Potentate Severius [0(5)]

 – Blessing of Vengeance [11]

Choir of Menoth (max) [6]

Idrian Skirmishers (min) [8]

 – Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide [4]

Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard [7]

Shrine of the Lawgiver [12]


I win first turn again and get the same side as I had in the previous game. 

Turn 1A

I decide to go ahead and put up Strength of Granite instead of worrying about the Rock Wall this time around, learning my lesson from the previous game against the Errants. If the Idrians want to shoot my jacks they can go ahead. I also swing the Blaster around towards the right side of the obstruction since contesting that zone was a bit awkward when I was stuck on the left in the previous game. 

I make sure that I have everything outside of 20” from the Revengers so I don’t give my opponent any easy Scorn targets on his first turn. This time I also have Orin up by the line of jacks to start dispelling any incoming spells. 

Turn 1B

Idrians go to ground and take some pot shots. Other than that my opponent puts up his upkeeps and stays back with his jacks while pushing the archons up the table.

Turn 2A

I feat and peel off the entire front line, except I leave the Revenger alive on quite a few boxes. I almost have a heart attack when my opponent informs me about Repel when my Toro makes his first attack, but I am extremely lucky to have positioned myself in such a way that I stop in the objective while still engaging the arc node in melee. There are probably ways I could have optimized my damage output such that I also would have got the final boxes on the Revenger but honestly it has been quite a few games between this one and writing the report and it is a bit difficult to remember the table state with Gorten’s feat. I should start to take mid-turn pictures of the table state after the feat pushes when I play Gorten in future games. 

Turn 2B

My opponent is down quite a lot on attrition and feels that his best bet is to pull some janky assassination out of his eh… hat. To do this my opponent needs to remove a gun bunny and my objective to get the Dervish within melee range by side stepping off the Driller. He also has the Revenger who is feated on and needs to survive a free strike from the Toro. The free strike deals a ton of damage so it is basically all up to the Dervish at this point. My opponent succeeds in clearing a path for the Dervish who manages to box Gorten and I fail my tough roll. When I go to roll the tough I curse the fact that I still haven’t managed to put up Solid Ground which would have been nice if I had gotten the 5+. 

Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries

:: Evaluation ::

I don’t think failing to kill the Revenger made a huge actual difference for this assassination run except making triggering feat a bit easier for my opponent. One really stupid mistake I made was that Gorten had to take a free strike from a stupid Idrian on his reposition move because I pushed it into melee range. I believe it cranked the damage roll and I had to spend my last focus to remove some of it. Maybe I should not have allocated any focus at all. Positioning wise I don’t think I was that bad off. It is difficult to get a good Gorten feat off without being at some risk and especially not with these lists which can send in a super hard hitting Dervish from downtown. 

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