139 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Aurora2 SBF

139 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Aurora2 SBF


Time for a practice run of the updated version of my super secret gunbunny spam list for the tournament. I have changed from Hammerstrike to Irregulars mostly to increase the odds of going first with Anastasia and the reroll from theme. I also get access to a host of sweet solos such as Eiryss1 who with Snipe sometimes can end up just winning the game with a single shot. 

General Ossrum 

–   2x Grundback Blaster  

–   12 x Grundback Gunner 

Dez & Gubbin


Anastasia di Bray 

Harlowe Holdemhigh 

Kell Bailoch 



Kayazy Eliminators


Convergence of Cyriss

[Theme] Strange Bedfellows

[Aurora 2] Archnumen Aurora [+27]

 – Corollary [0(5)]

 – Mangler [14]

 – Tesselator [8]

 – Tesselator [8]

 – Tesselator [8]

Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [2]

Attunement Servitors [3]

Death Archon [9]

Death Archon [9]

Frustum Locus [4]

Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

Prefect Hypatia [0(5)]

Asphyxious the Sanctified [14]

 – Shrike [5]

Negation Angels [6]

Negation Angels [6]

Negation Angels [6]


That is not a straight line of gun bunnies! Anyway, I get full value of the +1 with reroll and end up getting first turn after multiple rerolls. I forget the Gudrun2 has AD.

Turn 1A

Energizer, Snipe on Eiryss, Bullet dodger on one of the spray bunnies (the yellow ones)

Turn 1B

Gaspy makes a cloud wall for the Death Archons to hide behind in combination with the objective. Angels hide in the tall grass. Aurora and the Tesselators hide in the back outside of my threat ranges.

Turn 2A

I have a great Dez&Gubbin shot at one of the Gaspy servitors, clipping a bunch of angels in the forest. I get the perfect scatter and end up taking down six of the angels. What a great start! Or course this triggers Vengeance on the Death Archons, which is a potential problem since I need to contest the zones. I end up putting three bunnies in the right zone and a bunch more in the center. In hindsight I clump them up way too much and allow my opponent to have a dream turn with the Death archons. 

Turn 2B

Aurora feats and the Death Archons come in and destroy or cripple a bunch of my bunnies plus the objective. My opponent isn’t really able to get to my eliminators in the right zone, so it was complete overkill to commit three bunnies. 

We have a rules question on whether or not the central death archon can charge the objective, but go over the building to land on the left side. The reason why we are questioning it is because he will lose line of sight before “jumping over” the house. We can’t find anything specific in the rulebook, but my opponent decides to go for the right side instead just to be sure. Checking this afterwards I am pretty sure it would have been allowed because the maintain LoS during charge clause only comes into play after you have the charge target in melee range. Ie. it is not allowed during a charge to enter melee range and then leave it again due to loss of LoS, but you don’t need to maintain LoS during the entire charge. 

Score 0-1

Turn 3A

I feat and shoot out the Death archons. I send up Ossrum to the left zone because I assume that I can shoot out the angels in the forest, but it turns out that they are def 18 after concealment, so I need 12s to hit. In hindsight I should never have committed Ossrum on the left side because it leaves a bunch of my bunnies outside of control range. 

On a brighter note I do manage to clear the right zone, so I score myself a scenario point. Dez shoots the objective. 

Score 1-1

Turn 3B

It turns out that I have placed three of the bunnies just barely within Gaspy’s threat range. He and the Angels clear out the whole group. The Mariner and Shrike kill two more on the right. 

Score 1-1

Turn 4A

Dez gets a great great shot to clear out the three remaining angels (netting her a perfect 100% six out of six angels this game). Ossrum needs to come in himself to finish off Gaspy. I get rust off on the Mangler and start working on it, but with limited focus to boost I don’t get very much damage done. 

Score 2-1

Turn 4B

My opponent goes for an assassination, but falls short

Victory for the Mercenaries!

:: Evaluation ::

Mistakes were made on both sides of the table this game, but I feel I got some valuable practice before the tournament. My opponent noted that he could have swarmed the angels into the forest sooner and not worry too much about getting shot, just spreading around a bit to prevent the AoEs from Dez. 

I decided to swap out one bunny with Scythe in order to have some models who are independent from being within my caster’s control range. I will also replace Gorman with Hutchuck since he can ambush to keep up with my crazy long threat range. 

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