056 Rask1 WWFF vs Kreoss2 EI

056 Rask1 WWFF vs Kreoss2 EI



[Theme] Will Work For Food

[Rask 1] Rask [+27]

– Blackhide Wrastler [16]

– Ironback Spitter [14]

– Gatorman Soul Slave [5]

Boomhowler, Solo Artist [0(6)]

Dahlia Hallyr [17]

Dhunian Archon [0(6)]

Gatorman Witch Doctor [4]

Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

Rorsh [15]

– Battle Boar [7]

Void Archon [8]

Void Archon [8]

Farrow Valkyries [8]



[Theme] Exemplar Interdiction

[Kreoss 2] Grand Exemplar Kreoss [+28]

– Judicator [35]

Exemplar Bastion Seneschal [0(5)]

Exemplar Errant Seneschal [3]

Exemplar Warder [0(5)]

Exemplar Warder [5]

High Exemplar Gravus [8]

Menite Archon [8]

Scrutator Potentate Severius [0(6)]

– Dervish [7]

Vassal of Menoth [3]

Choir of Menoth (min) [4]

Exemplar Bastions (max) [15]

Exemplar Bastions (max) [15]


Turn 1A
I win the roll off and choose to go second. I really like the semi-central obstruction and the opposite side looks a bit congested for Judy to maneuver around. Since my opponent does not have a very fast army I feel that this was a reasonable choice on my side.

So everything runs up. IR goes up on the left Bastions unit.


Turn 1B

I run Brine and the pink Void archon up behind the obstruction. I put up Admonition on the Wrastler, Fury on Brine and the Veil of mists up around the obstruction. I could have been a lot more aggressive with the Wrastler considering that my opponent does not have Rhoven & co in his list and therefore no way to ignore Veil.


Turn 2A

Judy walks towards my left and gets a sliver of line of sight to the Dhunian archon. The second rocket scatters on Boomhowler2 and the Croc doc. I can save one with the archon and decide that the Ghost walk is more important at the moment considering the position of the central obstruction and Judy. Technically I could have Hermitted the Boomie, but I think that would not have been worth it.

The Bastions crowd around Judy and one runs up to contest my flag. A Warder runs into my zone and his flag is scored by no less than three different solos.


Turn 2B

At this point I start realizing that I am in big trouble scenario wise. I cannot score my square zone due to Inhuman resolve on the Warder. I also cannot contest his square zone without giving up the Void archon. Luckily I am just barely able to run up a Valkyrie to within 4” of my opponent’s flag.

The Dhunian charges in on the Bastion, survives the defensive strike and dispels IR. The void archon sprays two Bastions. Between them I am able to get the Bastions low enough that Rorsh just barely manages to snipe out the one contesting my flag.

Score 1-1


Turn 3A

Bastions heal from the Seneschal. The Errant Seneschal charges in and kills the Dhunian archon, staying within 4” of the flag. Judy sprays down the pink Void archon. I Hermit the first shot, but he rolls the S&P boosted 14 he needs to one shot the Void. There would have been a fire check in my next turn, so I am not too upset with the high dice roll.

Menite archon and the vassal stays on the flag which was cleared by some Bastrions, and the last Warder contests my rectangle zone.

Score 1-3


Turn 3B

I have a chance to send Brine in on Judy this turn, but I make a judgment call that it would be better to feat and try to kill as many Bastions as possible. We OddsMarchine the chances of a fully buffed Brine killing Judy in one turn (without IR) and it comes out at 58%, so not the worst odds, but certainly not guaranteed.

Rask dispels IR again and kills the Bastion on the corner of the rectangle zone. Hermit runs in to contest. We have a miscommunication regarding unit markings, so I end up wasting my Spitter shot on the healthy unit. But at least this allows my Void archon to kill a Bastion with his spray. I first use my port to move back outside of walk and punch range, but after conferring with my opponent we realise that I will auto lose if I don’t contest the flag so I go back and port him into contesting range.

I throw everything I have at the Errant Seneschal, but he survives somehow. What I should have done was just to walk up with Brine to make a Power attack: Throw and then use Squie from Rorsh to bring him back into the feat. This would not only have been a more secure way to get the kill, but would also have allowed me to score a much needed CP.

Score 1-3


Turn 4A

Kreoss2 feats and the Senechal walks up and kills Brine. Gravus kills the Hermit and the Bastions kill the yellow Void Archon. One of them runs into my square zone.

Score 1-5

Turn 4B

Theoretically it could be possible to score two points, but I would have to keep throwing away important models just to contest, so I don’t think there is any long game available for me here. I try to find an assassination angle with overtake from the Wrastler, but it doesn’t seem to be possible.

Sadly, a loss for the Minions

:: Evaluation ::

This was yet another super frustrating Menoth list to play against. The Warders and Senechal completely shut down my ability to score, and I didn’t have enough volume of shooting attacks to take down the Bastions from range. I should have gone for the Throw + Squie play on my turn 3 instead of shooting with Rorsch, but still I think I would have been in a difficult position scenario and attrition wise.

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