057 Rahera1 TC vs Feora3 HoS
[Theme] Talion Charter
[Rahera 1] Captain Rahera, Terror of the Wailing Sea [+28]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Mariner [14]
Bosun Grogspar [0(5)]
Doc Killingsworth [4]
First Mate Hawk [5]
Lord Rockbottom [4]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]
Press Gangers (min) [7]
Scharde Dirge Seers [0(6)]
Sea Dog Pirates (max) [11]
– Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster [4]
– Sea Dog Pirate Rifleman (3) [3]
The Commodore Cannon & Crew [7]
[Theme] Hearts of Darkness (Protectorate)
[Feora 3] Feora, the Conquering Flame [+27]
– Crusader [10]
– Hand of Judgment [18]
– Repenter [8]
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3]
Great Princess Regna Gravnoy [0(6)]
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]
Nicia, Hound of the Abyss [4]
Scrutator Potentate Severius [6]
– Repenter [8]
The Covenant of Menoth [4]
Umbral Guardian [0(6)]
Valin Hauke, The Fallen Knight [7]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
Howlers (max) [15]
Howlers (max) [15]
Turn 1A
Feora wins roll off and takes first turn. I don’t like all the difficult ground on one of the sides, and end up with the side with only a shallow water (which my jacks ignore anyway). But I am a bit worried that my opponent is able to contest all the zones quite easily due to the location of the forest and obstruction.
Turn 1B
Cannon shoots a Howler and my opponent triggers the Umbral who survives. I run stuff up taking care to keep the right hand side Freebooters outside of Road to war and spray range of the Repenter. This may be reasonable, but I should have taken better care to threaten the zone with both (13”).
Turn 2A
The monk takes stance and tucks in behind the obstruction in the left zone. One Howler walks up aggressively to the right hand zone while the remaining stay outside of threat. Both heavies and the book contest the central zone.
The Shrieker walks up and kills Mr. Walls.
Turn 2B
The cannon kills the Umbral Guardian. Mariner softens up the Shrieker and Rhahera charges in to finish it. I manage to miss the first five attacks (!), but with my second last bought attack I hit and kill it to trigger Rough Seas. The whole idea by going in was to be able to cast rough seas and camp 4-5 focus, but now I ended up just camping 1.
Before the turn I contemplated bringing in the Press Gangers to score the right side. I decide against it because this would just give the Howlers Vengeance so they would just decimate the poor PGs. I would also have to commit a Freebooter who would easily be removed by Feora3 and/or the Repenter.
Score 0-0
Turn 3A
Opponent contemplates going for an assassination run, but decdes against it. Instead he deals some damage to the objective and kills a couple of pirates with ranged attacks and howlers. Regna summons a Lamenter.
Score 0-0
Turn 3B
Rahera casts Manifest Destiny and walks up a bit to make the MD bubble relevant. The Cannon kills the Howler in the zone and the green Freebooter charges the Monk. I need a boosted 12 bith MD so it is a bit of a gamble, but I land the hit and he fails the tough roll. A&H run up to score the zone.
Mariner shoots off the Lamenter. I send in some pirates and the light blue Freebooter who end up wrecking the Crusader. I even manage to deal some boxes to the objective too. The rest of my army packs around Rahera to deny landing spots.
I am not happy with the way I played the right side. I didn’t think too hard about it, but the assumption was that my two Freebooters with MD would be able to kill the Repenter and both the Howler next to it and the one in the forest. When measuring it out I wasn’t able to charge in such a way that I would get LoS to the Howler in the forest. Knowing that I should have left the other Howler alive to deny him vengeance. Howlers are the worst nightmare for pirates and now the one in the forest can vengeance up and have free reign.
Score 1-0
Turn 4A
Feora3 feats. Howlers and the remaining Repenter go ham and kill most of my army. In the process a lane has been cleared to Rahera for HoV, who one-shots her.
Sadly, a loss for the mercencaries
:: Evaluation ::
Basically Howlers are pirates’ worst nightmare. They outthreat me, but if I let them charge in (for example if they get vengeance) they will rip through my lines with Berserk and ignoring my 4+ tough shenanigans.
Play wise I shouldn’t have been so trigger happy. Rahera needed to be aggressively placed in order to give MD to the Freebooter who was going in to kill the Monk. This cost me the game, and it only gave me a 1 point advantage. It was even a risky play, probably around 50% chance to succeed. I should have tried to drift some AOEs on the Monk instead. If I get it, fine, but if not I can just contest and try again next turn. On the right side I should have just killed the Repenter and stayed back. Then I have traded a Freebooter for the Crusader and set up for an exchange with the Howlers on my right side which I would eventually win. Going in like I did I just set up for a super feat for my opponent.