005 Damiano SoF vs Zaateroth DL

005 Damiano SoF vs Zaateroth DL



[Theme] Soldiers of Fortune

[Damiano 1] Captain Damiano [+28]

– Freebooter [9]

– Freebooter [9]

– Freebooter [9]

– Freebooter [9]

– Rocinante [16]

Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [0(7)]

Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye [4]

Stannis Brocker [0(7)]

Steelhead Arcanist [4]

Steelhead Ironhead [4]

Steelhead Ironhead [4]

Steelhead Cannon Crew [0(6)]

Steelhead Cannon Crew [6]

Steelhead Halberdiers (max) [11]

Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (max) [18]



[Theme] Dark Legacy

[Zaateroth 1] Zaateroth, The Weaver of Shadows [+26]

– Foreboder [4]

– Tormentor [12]

– Tormentor [12]

– Lord Roget d’Vyaros [4]

Alain Runewood, Lord of Ash [5]

Eilish Garrity, the Occultist [5]

Great Princess Regna Gravnoy [0(6)]

Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

Nicia, Hound of the Abyss [4]

The Wretch [4]

The Wretch [4]

Umbral Guardian [0(6)]

Umbral Guardian [0(6)]

Valin Hauke, The Fallen Knight [7]

Cultist Band (max) [7]

– Master Preceptor Orin Midwinter [4]

Cultist Band (max) [7]

Cultist Band (min) [5]

Infernal Gate [12]

Turn 1A

(Picture taken slightly into my turn)

Infernals go first and run up. Rites up, and Schything Touch on the left Tormenter. Regna summons a Shrieker and Zaat summons a Sould stalker behind the mountain. Not sure if Decel is up. Not important at this point


Turn 1B

Death march on Halbs. I don’t want to camp 0 so I go for Sure Foot on cav instead of Road to War. Try to split my Halbs in groups 4” apart to avoid getting blown out by Admonisher. All jacks are 14” away from Tormenters. I run the cav up aggressively. I don’t care about the ambushers, but keep Stannis back to clear if the come in.

I don’t measure Rebuke range for my cav. It looks within 24” of foreboder (it is in gate place range), but my opponent doesn’t go for that line of play. I think I could have respected that without giving up too much next turn


Turn 2A

2 x admonisher still blows me out and with Zaat’s shots I only get one soul. Roget becomes a Desolator, who ancilleries the green Freebooter for “super rust”. ST is moved to Soul stalker who kills the booter. Rebuke on Halberdiers and Zaat feats. Decel is up.


Turn 2B

Damiano feats and coins dwarf cannon and halbs and deadeye the cannon, camping 1. The black freebooter runs to jam the central Tormentor. Cannon hits the Soul Stalker. Opponent Umbrals, of course, and the cannon fails to kill it. I opt to not shoot with the black cannon since he is not money shotted or dead eyed (needs a 7 to hit Umbral). I was thinking that he wouldn’t have a target when Damiano activated, but I should have anticipated the Umbral and given him a coin.

The Ironhead advances into Soul Stalker’s back arc and gets a defensive strike and a counter charge (both which I have forgotten). Luckily he survives. Clamp arm hits SS and deals some damage. Luckily I double check the clamp rule because it doesn’t reduce DEF on large based models. Freebooter hits both his initials and kills the SS.

Score 2-0

I need 5 to hit the Soul stalker, so dead eye is probably a bit much. Could have cast RtW instead, camping 0, but then it looks like I would be able to crane and RtW the black freebooter and get some attacks on the Tormentor

Alexia creates a thrall who runs to his zone, but this is completely unnecessary since he has no scoring models in it and since the objective already contests.

The left Freebooter can’t be in control and still be in the zone to score. Should have measured this beforehand.

Turn 3A

My opponents dice go really cold this turn and all he can accomplish is to kill the Freebooter. I am very lucky to have both the objective and the black Freebooter survive on 2 boxes! Ambushers come in and scatter around in the zone. He does a nice trick with Scything touch on the Umbral who is engaging the first Freebooter and then runs with Ghostly and Tactician to trigger Death shroud on the other Freebooter.

Score 2-0


Turn 3B

I clear the right zone with halbs, the out of control freebooter and an impact from a cav who is outside of the picture frame. Rocinante shoots the Shrieker and he Umbrals. Cannons shoot the Desolator and the Ironhead cranks the damage to kill it.

Anyway, the cav kill the Shrieker and the spawned umbral. Some damage is dealt to the Tormentor and the Hermit is down to 1 box. I was meaning to charge him with a spawned thrall, but I mess up the charge lane between the halberdier and the cavalry dude when I eyeball the reach over the flag, so I end up not getting the charge in.

Score 3-0

The black Freebooter ends up jamming me just as hard as it had jammed him. I was looking at crane angles, but it didn’t work. With Road to war up I could have had him kill hermit and then road to war out, probably dying from freestrike, but then have a fresh Rocinante take his place. Or Stannis. Rocinante should not have made the shot since the Umbral really messed up my placement.


Turn 4A

Pretty straight forward turn for him, killing three cav, the ironhead and the crippled Freebooter and objective. He is unable to contest my zone.

Score 4-4


Turn 4B

I want the cannon to shoot the Forboder which is scoring the zone, but I mess up and forget about long shadows so with aim I am about ¼” out. The second cannon either missed or was out of range – I don’t remember. Rocinante kills the Desolator. I forget to Quickworks. Halbs, Stannis and the remaining Cav try to kill the two Tormentors still contesting the flag, but fail to kill. A bit bad rolls on the rightmost Tormentor who took a lot of damage last turn. The other one is left on 4 boxes.

Out of desperation (and frustration) I walk Damiano up and hand cannon it believing I need 11 to kill, but I forget about Deceleration so it didn’t happen. So he ends in an exposed position camping 1.

Score 5-5


Turn 5A

Foreboder runs to arc Black spot on Damiano and Ghost walk on the Tormentor. Runewood curses and the Tormentor charges in to kill Damiano.

Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries

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