047 Shae1 TC vs Thagrosh1 Oracles
[Theme] Talion Charter
[Shae 1] Captain Phinneus Shae [+28]
– Freebooter [9]
– Galleon [35]
Bosun Grogspar [0(5)]
Doc Killingsworth [4]
First Mate Hawk [5]
Lord Rockbottom [4]
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile [4]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]
Press Gangers (min) [7]
Scharde Dirge Seers [0(6)]
Sea Dog Pirates (max) [11]
– Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster [4]
– Sea Dog Pirate Rifleman (3) [3]
The Commodore Cannon & Crew [7]
[Theme] Oracles of Annihilation
[Thagrosh 1] Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight [+28]
– Angelius [17]
– Carnivean [18]
– Seraph [14]
– Typhon [20]
Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1]
Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion [0(6)]
Spell Martyr [1]
The Forsaken [0(4)]
The Forsaken [0(4)]
Throne of Everblight [16]
Throne of Everblight [16]
Turn 1A
I get first turn and run up keeping outside of the worst threat ranges
Turn 1B
Opponent stays out of charge range of my Blockader. Angelius charges the Freebooter, but miss the attack.
Turn 2A
Shae feats and Freebooter plus Blockader sprys kill the Angelius. 5 pirates charge the Carnivean, but deal minimal damage due to Spiny Growth and Death Shroud.
Turn 2B
Throne and Carnivean kill the Freebooter and most of the Pirates. Ayana goes down to a Throne spray.
Score 0-0
Turn 3A
I need to go for assassination. It is a real long shot since Thagrosh camps 3 fury. Shae gets Pathfinder and charges the Carnivean to hit Thagrosh with a Blow the Man Down. The to hit roll is a critical, so I get a bit nervous that the slam would take me out of spray range for the blockader, but luckily I roll a 1 for the slam distance. However the Blockader rolls only 3 shots, so with Thagrosh camping 3 fury the assassination is off the table. We call the game at this point.
Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries
:: Evaluation ::
This wasn’t a very thought through matchup from my side. The Thrones can deal with my pirates without even blinking, and unfortunately Shae in TC is too pillow fisted to deal with the high armour values in my opponent’s list.