037 Rask1 WWFF vs Wurmwood DH
[Theme] Will Work For Food
[Rask 1] Rask [+27]
– Blackhide Wrastler [16]
– Ironback Spitter [14]
– Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]
Dahlia Hallyr [17]
Dhunian Archon [0(6)] – Proxy: Steelhead Ironhead
Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]
Rorsh [15]
– Battle Boar [7]
Void Archon [8]
Farrow Valkyries [8] – Proxy: Precursor Knights
Wrong Eye [17]
[Theme] The Devourer’s Host
[Wurmwood 1] Wurmwood, Tree of Fate [+27]
– Feral Warpwolf [16]
– Ghetorix [19]
Dhunian Archon [6]
Lord of the Feast [0(6)]
Tharn Ravager Shaman [4]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]
Bríghid & Caul [7]
Death Wolves [9]
Shifting Stones [3]
Shifting Stones [3]
Tharn Ravagers (max) [15]
– Tharn Ravager Chieftain [0(5)]
Tharn Ravagers (max) [15]
– Tharn Ravager Chieftain [0(5)]
Turn 1A
Circle gets first turn. Warbeasts are spread to each square zone. The tree and Cassius take central aggressive positions. The green 4” ring in the center represents a Wld growth forest.
I don’t realize it at the time, but the side I have chosen is really bad because of the placement of the wall near the left square zone. I liked the defensive rock on my side of the circular zone and the fact that I didn’t have an obstruction which would split my army in two. But I think the disadvantage of not being able to sneak into the zone outweighs the two advantages. I don’t think the forest is very relevant for either side.
Turn 1B
Admo on Brine and everything runs up to avoid the base threat ranges. I put up a pre-emptive Veil of Mists between Brine and Caul. I could probably either have pushed a bit harder or put Admonition on the Wrastler instead, because I think Brine is a bit too safe here.
I need to spend the Valkyries as LotF protection, so I am not able to spread them out for future contesting duty. I do mess up and put WrongEye within 3” of the Valkyrie of the left. This means that my opponent can Hellmouth the Valkyrie and get in LotF wither by shooting the Valkyrie if it survives or the Spitter. With puppet strings this should be pretty much guaranteed even through StarCrossed. I realise this during my turn and struggle to maintain a good poker face about it, but luckily my opponent doesn’t go for it.
Turn 2A
Wurmwood feats and the army runs up again. All scenario elements except the central flags are in scoring positions if I don’t contest them. Ghetorix has Spiny Growth up and the Wild Growth is in front of the Feral. Wurmwood is outside of trample range of the Wrastler. Stranglehold goes off on Brine.
Turn 2B
I check if I can Diversionary Tactics Brine and start surfing while sacrificing movement, but the overtake is just outside of reach of more than one Ravager. I therefore decide to drop Admonition and recast it on the Wrastler. The Veil of Mists is still blocking Caul’s LoS so I keep that in play. Battle Boar primals the Wrastler who goes in (with Ghostly) to try and kill three Ravagers. Unfortunately my opponent makes most of his tough rolls so only one Ravager goes down. I walk Brine over to the zone, but due to WW feat and stranglehold I don’t make it all the way over to the obstruction.
Dahlia gives the Snake pathfinder and walks up to catch the Ravager leader within Haunting Melody range. We have a bit of a miscommunication here as I don’t remember that they have a UA and my opponent doesn’t charge Void because of feat. He gets 3 ravagers in by advancing. Looking at the picture it seem like he could have gotten in two charges. That would probably have been better considering that Ravagers have brutal charge.
I run in the Void archon to be within 5” of Ghetorix and cast Primal on the snake who charges in. I end up missing two attacks and do basically no relevant damage. I was considering to run the Void into melee to trigger Dark Shroud, but I figured that he would be in danger of getting picked out in return. I was therefore not expecting to kill Getorix this turn, but I was hoping to deal a bunch of damage and maybe take out a system. Since Dahlia was camping 1 I decided to not spend my last fury on Skarath just in case. This was probably a mistake and my opponent points it out. At this point I have seen the writing on the wall and don’t take the time to evaluate my options properly like for example checking his damage grid to see if I could reasonably expect to cripple an aspect with the last attack.
Score 0-1
Turn 3A
Ghetorix smashes Skarath to pieces, but the Ravagers only deal two boxes to the Void Archon. WW Hellmouths a Sentry stone to pull Brine into walking distance of Caul who kills him easily. LotF goes to the flag and deals a bunch of damage to the Wrastler. The Ravagers walk in, but I Admonition out leaving only one in melee, but still in contest range of the flag.
One of the Death wolves gets loaded up on corpses and walks to the obnoxious spot on the corner of the right zone behind the wall. Well played by my opponent for seeing this and taking advantage of the terrain and position of my heavies.
I forget to check for Star Crossed this entire turn (this is starting to become a trend).
Score 0-2
Turn 3B
Wrastler frenzies and I learn that in Mk3 he has to move all the way into base to base with the target. On the left I am hoping to clear the death wolf with the Spitter and then charge in Snapjaw with Fury, Rage and Boundless Charge to kill the Feral. Primal would have been better, but I am a bit nervous about the position Rorsh needs to be in. I should probably not be to worried about that since Brine is dead and the Ravagers already have plenty of juicier targets to deal with.
The whole plan falls short since the Spitter needs to score four hits on the Death wolf to get through the corpses, needing 8s to hit. With only 5 attacks available it is obviously not going to work. My opponent could have made it even more difficult for me if he had the Dhunian archon within range to keep the wolf alive for one more attack. If I give away one point now he only needs to clear my objective to win, so it I end up charging in with Snapjaw and contesting the zone from the overtake.
On the right side the Void Archon manages to clear out two of the Ravagers. I forgot to claim the souls until after his activation, but I suspect his Dhunian archon was within Soul Ward range anyway. Dahlia runs up to contest the zone.
Score 0-2
Turn 4A
Ghetorix frenzies and kills a Ravager. This means that he will not be able to clear the zone and the Objective will survive. However, I still lose the game because WW is able to pull everything out of the central zone with a Hellmouth. The Feral kills Snapjaw and that’s that.
Score 0-5
Sadly, a loss for the Minions
:: Evaluation ::
I kind of asked for this beating by requesting to play King of the Hill. My track record on this scenario has been horrible so far, so I wanted the practice. But playing this list into Tharn will be uphill anyway, so I didn’t need to make it harder for myself. I haven’t been able to identify any game winning moves I could have made. Maybe I should have Brine up more aggressively on Turn 2 to threaten the caster kill, but as long as he sticks the Stranglehold he would be pretty much 100% safe. I should have re-cast Admonition on the Wrastler on my last turn. Of course, by opponent could have played around it, but maybe I could have found some cheeky angle to keep contesting the flag and zone for one more turn.