035 Rask1 WWFF vs Zaateroth1 DL
[Theme] Will Work For Food
[Rask 1] Rask [+27]
– Blackhide Wrastler [16]
– Ironback Spitter [14]
– Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]
Dahlia Hallyr [17]
Dhunian Archon [0(6)] – Proxy: Gudrun the Wanderer
Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]
Rorsh [15]
– Battle Boar [7]
Void Archon [8]
Void Archon [8]
Wrong Eye [17]
[Theme] Dark Legacy
[Zaateroth 1] Zaateroth, The Weaver of Shadows [+26]
– Foreboder [4]
– Soul Stalker [13]
– Tormentor [12]
– Tormentor [12]
– Lord Roget d’Vyaros [4] – Proxy: Gorman
Eilish Garrity, the Dark Seeker [5]
Great Princess Regna Gravnoy [0(6)] – Proxy: Alyce
Hermit of Henge Hold [5]
Saxon Orrik [4]
The Wretch [4]
Umbral Guardian [0(6)]
Umbral Guardian [0(6)]
Valin Hauke, The Fallen Knight [7]
Cultist Band (max) [7]
– Master Preceptor Orin Midwinter [4]
Cultist Band (max) [7]
Infernal Gate [12]
Turn 1A
After the previous game I realised that I needed a Battle boar in the list. So I cut the swamp gobbers and some solos. Then we went straight to the next infernals game. This time against a different opponent and against Zaatheroth DL. I got first turn.
Turn 1B
Rites goes up and he summons a Tormentor on the left.
Turn 2A
I move to spots which are safe as long as I don’t give him any Rites of Torment triggers. Snake takes his zone and I put a Wrastler toeing the zone behind the rock. I put the Croc Doc on my flag.
Turn 2B
Foreboder runs up and Zaateroth fires off two Stygian abysses on the Croc doc. I spend my Dhunian ability to try and keep the doc alive, but the second Stygian gets him. We both assume that this triggers RtW, but a couple of moves in a clubmate points out that magic attacks don’t trigger RtW. I am stoked to learn this and we roll back. My opponent decides to keep the kill on my Croc Doc. Zaat feats and the Soul stalker and a Tormentor run up to contest the zone.
Score 0-1
Turn 3A
Rask feats and I decide to cast Primal on both Snapjaw and the Spitter in order to clear the zone. Snapjaw shuffles around triggering counter charge from the Tormentor, but he is unable to target Snapjaw since I have feated and he is outside of 5”. This was definitely not intentional. Void archon gets boundless charge and deals with the two Cultists in my zone.
Snake and the white Void archon try to clear the opposing rectangle zone on the right, but dice don’t approve and they leave one cultist alive. Dhunian archon scores my flag, but I don’t contest the opponent’s flag. At least the Foreboder is now out of the picture, so no more sniping out my solos (/juniors).
Throughout my turn I am deliberating what to do with Brine. I had a vague plan to send him in on the Tormentor behind the cloud, but I get cold feet since it is Zaateroth feat turn and I don’t have any more primals available. I believe it ended up being a wise decision even though it cost me the opportunity to contest his flag.
Score 2-2
Turn 3B
Tormentor behind the cloud walks into melee with Snapjaw and Brine who Admonitions away. Snapjaw takes some damage losing mind. The second Tormentor also runs in to toe the zone and a third Tormentor is spawned. Hawke runs to the left square zone and is joined by a couple of extra cultists. The Shrieker runs to contest my flag and the Hermit toes the circle zone.
Score 2-3
Turn 4A
Snapjaw and the Spitter are both Primaled and have to frenzy. Unfortunately I haven’t played Hordes since MkII and have the old rules in my head. According to the new rules it is mandatory to turn to face and move into B2B with the frenzy target even though you are already engaged. This should have triggered counter charge from the Tormentors.
The purple Void archon clears out the remaining cultist in my zone and teleports into melee with the two Tormentors in the back. The Battle Boar receives Fury from Rask and Primal from Rorsh and walks in and kills the Tormentor who was engaging Snapjaw. Unfortunately I am in such a hurry to get to my Battle Boar activation that I forget to Diversionary Tactics. This leaves Brine stranded behind the Spitter and unable to get to the last Tormentor in my zone.
On the left side things are looking much better as the Wrastler clears the Shrieker off my flag and the Snake and white Void together clear the far zone.
Score 4-3
Turn 4B
Regna spawns a Lamenter who contests the left zone. Gate places the left Tormentor out of the Void’s melee and walks over to kill Snapjaw. Both Tormentors now jam my zone. He fails to kill my Void archon who is still contesting his flag. I score one point on my flag.
Score 5-3
Turn 5A
We call the game at this point since it is getting late and my opponent has a long car ride ahead of him. Even if I don’t score the remaining three points I need this turn I can always just score two and carry on until turn 7.
Victory for the Minions!
Including the Battle Boar in the list was 100% the right move, but I am worried about the lack of units. After some discussions with myself and fellow Minions minions I have decided to swap one Void archon for a unit of Farrow Valkyries. They play well with the Dhunian Archon and are an excellent Fury target. Having access to three shield guards will also help keeping the juniors alive against shooting lists post feat turn.
I was happy with the way the force is able to spread out and operate independently on the left side. Especially when on a scenario and terrain like this. But I still need to work on remembering the mechanics of the list. I forgot Star Crossed multiple times during the course of the game and the not knowing the frenzy rules is pretty bad. I also missed a whole Brine activation by forgetting to use my Diversionary tactics.