034 Rask1 WWFF vs Feora3 HoD

034 Rask1 WWFF vs Feora3 HoD



[Theme] Will Work For Food

[Rask 1] Rask [+27]

– Blackhide Wrastler [16]

– Ironback Spitter [14]

– Gatorman Soul Slave [0(5)]

Dahlia Hallyr [17]

Gatorman Witch Doctor [0(4)]

Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [4]

Rorsh [15]

Swamp Gobber Chef [1]

Totem Hunter [0(6)]

Void Archon [8]

Void Archon [8]

Wrong Eye [17]

Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]



[Theme] Hearts of Darkness (Protectorate)

[Feora 3] Feora, the Conquering Flame [+27]

– Judicator [35]

Great Princess Regna Gravnoy [0(6)]

Scrutator Potentate Severius [6] – Proxy: Arcadius

– Purifier [8]

– Redeemer [11]

The Covenant of Menoth [4] – Proxy: Soul stalker

Umbral Guardian [0(6)]

Umbral Guardian [0(6)]

Valin Hauke, The Fallen Knight [7]

Choir of Menoth (min) [4]

Cultist Band (min) [5]

Howlers (max) [15] – Proxy: Random medium base Mercenary stiff

Initiates of the Wall [7]PAGE_BREAK: PageBreak

Turn 1A and 1B

No picture. Infernals start

Turn 2A

Judy is contesting the middle zone. Book and Feora on the flag. One Howler is toeing my square zone. I have been playing passively until now because of Judy. Luckily my opponent has skewed hard to my right and there is a nice rock to hide behind.


Turn 2B

I charge in Void to kill the Howler and hopefully teleport in to contest his flag and provide Dark shroud to his Purifier, but he ends up failing to get the kill. I can’t spray since this will trigger Umbral. I choose to charge in the spitter to clear the zone. Not sure if this is a good play of if I should just abandon the point since now I give away a Void archon and a heavy on my feat turn.

I grab the two free points on the left, and Rask feats. Admonition is up on Brine.

Score 3-1


Turn 3A

Feora3 casts Incite and the Howlers/Purifier kills the Void and Spitter. Cultists run to contest the left zone, but nothing is contesting my flag. There are two Howlers, a Lamenter and a Purifier in my zone.

Score 4-2


Turn 4B

I need to score 3 points to win this turn. The flag is free, and I can clear the right zone quite easily with Totem Hunter or the Void archon. I can’t get to Judy this turn, so I need to clear the zone to get it done. So this is how it goes down: First I just run Rorsh up to contest his flag. Then the Croc doc casts ghostly on the Wrastler who walks up to the Lamenter, boost the 9 hit and miss. Lamenter Dodges away. Snapjaw stays in place, boosts to hit, misses the 9 and the Lamenter Dodges away. Not that it would have mattered here, but I think going for a headbutt would have been better.

At this point it is starting to look a bit rough for me, but I have already committed Rorsh and my two other heavies are super exposed so I am pretty much feeling all in. So Rask casts Fury on Wrongeye and Rage on Ninja pig. Wrongeye manages to kill the Lamenter. Lanyssa casts Hunters mark on a Howler and ninja pig charges in. Unfortunately in my head the Purifier is just a Dervish, so I end up in ashen veil and need an 8 to hit the Howler. I should clearly have Hunters marked the Purifier and charged him instead. To make the best of the situation I boost to hit the charge, but when all is said and done I neither kill he Purifier nor the last Howler.

Sadly, a loss for the Minions

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