031 Fiona Flame vs Rasheth DoA

031 Fiona Flame vs Rasheth DoA

ConQuest 2020 Invitationals – Game 1



[Theme] Flame in the Darkness

[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]

– Charger [9]

– Gallant [17]

– Toro [13]

Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]

Grand Master Gabriel Throne [7]

Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

Morrowan Archon [8]

Morrowan Archon [8]

Ragman [0(4)]

Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]

Thamarite Archon [8]

Thamarite Archon [8]

Order of Illumination Vigilants (max) [10]

The Devil’s Shadow Mutineers [7]



[Theme] Disciples of Agony

[Rasheth 1] Dominar Rasheth [+28]

– Agonizer [0(6)]

– Basilisk Krea [0(7)]

– Battle Boar [7]

– Cyclops Shaman [8]

– Road Hog [15]

Mortitheurge Willbreaker [0(4)]

Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [4]

Swamp Gobber Chef [1]

Void Archon [8]

Croak Raiders (min) [10]

Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]

Paingiver Bloodrunners [9]

Siege Animantarax [17]

Siege Animantarax [17]


Turn 1A

I am not stoked to see a Castigate ‘lock on the other side of the table, but considering the rest of the field of Infernals and Menoth (/WooF) I can’t complain too much. I get first turn and choose to take it since the table is more or less symmetrical. I am not 100% convinced that my Gallant placement is any good here. I feel that I need a second jack near the zone, and figure that he can swing around the rock to contribute. In practice this is more difficult than it seems due to threat ranges.


Turn 1B

Castigate goes up and most stuff stay close to Tubby. The pink turtle needs to go around the rock and is therefore a bit cut off. But he stays far back and within Krea aura.


Turn 2A

I figure I might as well get some damage off while I have the chance (as long as I don’t waste too much clock), so I cast Befuddle and Curse on the turtle. The red thamarite gets to shoot, and I can charge with two Vigilants. They end up doing a decent chunk of damage. Fiona feats.

The Gallant deployment comes back to bite me here. I choose to keep him back because I don’t want him to swing his turtle and croak raiders around and shoot me from outside of feat. But then I end up in a super passive position which is going to come back and bite me later.

There is an argument to hold my feat here and try to give him as little as possible while still forcing him to commit at least one turtle. I can contest my flag and zone quite easily, and I have a feeling that if I put two archons in the circle he would at least have to commit one turtle. The risk is that he could feat and clear the zone with shooting and still manage to escape retaliation.


Turn 2B

Croak raiders come in and shoot for insignificant damage (two are in feat). The pink turtle clears the Vigilants and moves back to get healed by the beast handlers.

Score 1-2


Turn 3A

I try to go for a scenario push and Befuddle the Krea out of the zone and run Toro in to score. Thamarite and the yellow morrowan almost manage to bring down the pink turtle. I clear my square zone, but mess up badly with my blue Archon. I actually measure up an angle where I can charge a croak raider and end up in a spot where I contest the flag. But I change my mind last minute and charge in a way that nets me to croak raiders, but not only does it not contest his flag it is also well within charge range of the ambushers! Mar and Acosta charge the blue turtle and deal some chip damage.

Score 4-3


Turn 3B

Ambushers come in and Feat goes up. The Void archon comes in and we have some confusion about LoS for his charge, so I miss my counter charge trigger from Toro. Void archon ends up killing the vigilants and placing over to debuff my Toro. He is not contesting my flag, and it would be interesting to know if he could have found a sweet spot that both engages Toro and contests. I think all things considered my opponent would have been better off to contest my flag even if that meant no dark shroud.

Under feat and Dark shroud the blue turtle make short work of my poor Toro. The pink turtle finishes off the Yellow archon who has already taken a bunch of damage through me channeling spells.

Score 5-4


Turn 4A

The red thamarite finishes off the pink turtle and Throne actually manages to one shot the Void archon (about a 45% chance). Ragman scores my flag. I clear my rectangle zone with shooting and a trample from Gallant who also contests his flag. Fiona runs to relative safety.

Score 7-4


Turn 4B

Krea contests my flag and deals some minor damage to Throne. The blue turtle and the shaman clears the central zone and a lone croak raider scores it. I should have tried to keep an eye out for this last croak raider during my turn. I am sure I could have spared a Thamarite shot or something to kill it. Tubby was quite far away to score the zone himself, so then he would have had to run his beast handlers all the way over, and maybe even killing some of his own models to score.

The Road Hog goes in on Gallant under Primal, but fails to kill. His rolls are horrible and we assume it was very bad luck for my opponent. But running it through OddsMachine it actually turns out to be only 25%-ish, depending on when I lose my buckler (I am also not sure on whether or not he assaulted, but it doesn’t change the numbers too much).

After the Road Hog fluffed my opponent was probably a bit shaken and forgot to run the Gobber Chef into my zone to contest. No point keeping him on the flag anymore.

Score 8-5


Turn 5A

I contest the central zone, Befuddle out the Krean and score two points for the win.

Score 10-5

Victory for the Mercenaries!

:: Evaluation ::

This was a great game! Mistakes were made on both sides and my opponent’s side. I was annoyed with myself after messing up the contest with the blue morrowan, but looking back at the pictures I can see that my opponent also missed two easy contests during the course of the game. Attrition wise the game would have been quite even if it had gone on any longer (remember that the Road Hog was Primaled), but I was behind on clock by a good margin and would have had to play a bit quicker than I would prefer based on the game state. I was therefore very happy to have closed out the game when I did and advance to the next round.

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