029 Fiona Flame vs Cyrenia FM
ConQuest 2020 Saturday Steamroller – Round 3
[Theme] Flame in the Darkness
[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]
– Charger [9]
– Gallant [17]
– Toro [13]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]
Grand Master Gabriel Throne [7]
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Ragman [0(4)]
Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]
Thamarite Archon [8]
Thamarite Archon [8]
Order of Illumination Vigilants (max) [10]
The Devil’s Shadow Mutineers [7]
[Theme] The Faithful Masses
[Cyrenia 1] High Exemplar Cyrenia [+28]
– Dervish [7]
– Dervish [7]
– Sanctifier [14]
– Hierophant [3]
Avatar of Menoth [18]
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3]
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3]
Champion of the Order of the Wall [8]
Hand of Silence [7]
Hermit of Henge Hold [5]
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon [6]
Menite Archon [8]
Menite Archon [8]
Vassal Mechanik [1]
Vassal Mechanik [1]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]
Turn 1A
I am obviously stoked to see Cyrenia FM again! I lose the roll-off, but my opponent chooses to go second. We play on the same table as the previous game, but it is interesting to see how different it feels when the scenario has been changed.
Once again my opponent is not familiar with the Fiona mathcup and I get to snipe off his two monks top of turn 1. It’s lucky that he fails both toughs, and one of them was in placed in the rubble so I needed good to-hit rolls.
Turn 1B
Archons and Champon try to keep in cover, but are placed quite far away from any initiates and heavies. Sanctifier is covered by a rock wall and some Initiates (the 3D terrain walls are used instead of a template since they are have been cut to the same size). IR is up on the Avatar.
Turn 2A
I notice once again that I am able to fish out an archon without triggering HoV and avoiding shield guards, so I go for that on the left side. I also go for a Befuddle to turn the Champion around and move him slightly out of the rubble. The Charger and Zira roll quite well against the Archon and take him down by themselves with Curse (67%). I am therefore able to get a couple of shots off with the Thamarite on the Champion. The dice gods are nice to me and I end up de-horsing the Champion.
With the Champion out of the picture (ie. off the horse or turned backwards) there are now nice spots for me to put models within 4” of each flag without fear of repercussions. His only theoretical counterplay is to give avatar pathfinder with the objective and trample in to kill the Charger . I don’t think he would actually want to do this, but just in case I put a Vigilant within contesting range of the central flag too.
I don’t know why Fiona is so far back. I guess I was afraid of not taking out the Archon, but there will be so many models in the way so there is no way he could go for Fiona in the marginal scenario where he survives my shooting.
Turn 2B
Opponent decides to go for a trample play, but with Sanctifier facing up against Gallant instead of the Avatar play I had halfway anticipated. He ends up doing a minor chunk of damage.
It has been some weeks between playing the game and writing the report so I can’t remember if Cyrenia feated this turn of if my opponent forgot. We didn’t discuss him forgetting to feat after the game, but I don’t see any token either. I assume that he feated and just didn’t put out any token.
Initiates run/charge up to jam taking out the Charger’s gun arm in the process. Rock wall does not go up. I believe this was a mistake by my opponent since it makes it a lot easier for me to avoid HoV. FM normally works best when the wall and Initiates are used to protect the heavies and the archons while triggering all the vengeance stuff in the process.
Score 1-1
Turn 3A
I believe the book is causing me some trouble here, so Hermit is unable to Master of ruin. Luckily I am still able to get clean up everything I need this turn: Toro and Morland kills the Initiates on the left and the Yellow morrowan kills the initiates on the right with help from some Vigilants and Throne. Gallant and Acosta wreck the Sanctifier. I Curse the Dervish on the left and clear the flag with shooting. Fiona feats and I score my zone and the left flag. Opponent scores his zone.
Score 3-2
Turn 3B
Opponent decides to stay back due to my feat. HoS contests the flag, but he is unable to contest my zone. The Rock wall goes back up in front of the book, but ends up in an awkward spot due to range limitations. Avatar gets in one solid hit on the blue Morrowan, but he narrowly survives.
Score 4-3
Turn 4A
Since the Charger’s gun is out I decide to run him into the zone to contest. I need to use the blue Morrowan to block LoS from Avatar, but I figure that this is an OK position for him anyway since he is already running on fumes. The rest of my forces pull back to make it more difficult to get anything meaningful in my zone to contest.
Between Zira, Morland and the red Thamarite I make short work of HoS and score the left flag. I also clear the right flag with some shooting and charging Vigilants. I assume that Fiona spent her 3 focus on a boosted Curse on the Dervish, but I can’t see that I have marked any damage for the channeling. Unclean play by me, but luckily in this situation it will not end up changing the outcome of the game.
Score 7-3
Turn 4B
Cyrenia Charges the Charger contesting the zone and casts PC on Avatar before resolving the charge attack. This was a pretty sweet play by my opponent. Menite archon kills my blue morrowan. Avatar kills the red thamarite and contests the flag. He runs up a Vassal to contest the right flag.
Score 8-4
Turn 5A
I kill the Vassal with my Morrowan archon and contest the zone with Throne
Score 10-4
My opponent was a newer player, so I think I won the game mostly from him not knowing how to set up his army against Fiona. But he was an awesome sportsman and he even asked me after the game if I had any advice on the matchup. I think this was super cool of him and want to try to do that after my games too (especially the ones that I lose). The advice I offered was to take first turn and to avoid giving me any models without triggering Hand of Vengeance/Swift Vengeance/Righteous Fury/Shield Guard etc., especially before my feat turn. This would of course have been easier for him if he had a central obstruction to use as an anchor, but this scenario actually comes with some built-in area denial in form of the three central flags.