028 Fiona Flame vs Vlad2 WoW

028 Fiona Flame vs Vlad2 WoW

ConQuest 2020 Saturday Steamroller – Round 2



[Theme] Flame in the Darkness

[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]

– Charger [9]

– Gallant [17]

– Toro [13]

Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]

Grand Master Gabriel Throne [7]

Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

Morrowan Archon [8]

Morrowan Archon [8]

Ragman [0(4)]

Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]

Thamarite Archon [8]

Thamarite Archon [8]

Order of Illumination Vigilants (max) [10]

The Devil’s Shadow Mutineers [7]



[Theme] Wolves of Winter

[Vladimir 2] Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion [+27]

– Marauder [11]

– Ruin [17]

Koldun Lord [4]

Koldun Lord [4]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

– Greylord Escort [3]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

– Greylord Escort [3]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

– Greylord Escort [3]

Doom Reaver Swordsmen [10]

Greylord Outriders (max) [17]

Greylord Ternion [0(7)]

Greylord Ternion [0(7)]

Greylord Ternion [0(7)]PAGE_BREAK: PageBreak

Turn 1A

Vlad wins first turn and runs up really aggressively. His plan is to overload me with targets and then crash in with the feat next turn. HoF is on the Outriders


Turn 1B

Remembering the last time I played this matchup where I killed no Doom Reavers on the approach, I am very uncertain on how much I should try to kill. I decide that the red archon is probably dying anyway due to the threat of the HoF’ed Outriders so I will attempt to clear all the doom reavers in the center and in the left zone. I end up killing 8 doom reavers and knocking down 1. I think this was about average, but there should be a big variance due to tough and D3 shots on thamarites (ref. the previous Vlad2 game).

I mess up my target selection and miss out on the shot with my unit leader behind the rock (who was supposed to shoot the closest doom reaver). Every attack counts at this point because if I can clear or KD all the reavers within 16” (or as even 14”) I can deny his feat. I come close to succeeding, but I leave enough to give him at two decent feat targets on the left and at least three on the right – maybe four.

With all the thinking and worrying about all my stuff in front I completely mess up and manage to box in my Toro in the back. Hey-ho!


Turn 2A

After some deliberation my opponent decides to go for feat. He ends up rolling only 4 targets and decides to put two on the red thamarite and two on the green thamarite. I was expecting him to go for the Charger instead since that is a safer target, but it ends up working out for him and he actually kills both Thamarites. Obviously I burn Mad Vision in the process. The Doom reavers in the center don’t have an escort, so one is killed by the Berserk attack.

It is worth noting that my opponent ends up spending a lot of time deliberating this turn since it was a complicated balancing act with keeping stuff in arcane might while also trying to avoid Morrowan archon LoS, cover etc. All in all I think my opponent got pretty good value out of his turn, especially after rolling minimum for feat targets.


Turn 2B

I fish out his Marauder and kill it with Vigilants, Gallant and the blue morrowan. Fiona feats and camps 2. I clear the feated Doom Reavers and contest his zone with the yellow Archon.

Score 0-0


Turn 3A

Ruin goes in, but accomplishes very little though Fiona’s feat. On the right a bunch of doom reavers try to hit the Yellow morrowan, but struggle to hit. One of the Vigilants in the left zone was out of feat and is killed (don’t know why I charged him in), but the one remaining is in feat and in cover so he is basically unhittable.

Score 0-0


Turn 3B

Gallant makes short work of Ruin who was still upkeeping Assail. I clear the left zone and continue the grind in the right.

Score 1-0

Turn 4A

My opponent runs out of time during his turn.

Victory for the Mercenaries!

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