020 Fiona Flame vs Reznik2 FM
Showdown 16-20, Round 2
[Theme] Flame in the Darkness
[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]
– Charger [9]
– Gallant [17]
– Toro [13]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]
Grand Master Gabriel Throne [7]
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Ragman [0(4)]
Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]
Thamarite Archon [8]
Thamarite Archon [8]
Order of Illumination Vigilants (max) [10]
The Devil’s Shadow Mutineers [7]
[Theme] The Faithful Masses
[Reznik 2] Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages [+29]
– Sanctifier [14]
– Scourge of Heresy [16]
Avatar of Menoth [18]
Champion of the Order of the Wall [8]
Hand of Silence [7]
Hermit of Henge Hold [5]
Menite Archon [8]
Menite Archon [8]
Vassal Mechanik [1]
Vassal of Menoth [0(3)]
Vassal of Menoth [0(3)]
Wrack [1]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
Idrian Skirmishers (min) [9]
– Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide [5]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]PAGE_BREAK: PageBreak
Turn 1A
My opponent takes first turn. I am very unsure of which side to choose, but end up taking this side because I am worried that he can run his archons all the way up to the central wall first turn. Thinking back I will not be able to touch his archons any time soon due to all his defensive tech with 6 shield guards and arcane vortex on Scourge. The other side would have been better for me because it has less stuff for him to fortress around.
Reznik puts up Lamentation and runs up, keeping the archons within 3” of Scourge. Choir sings no spells and the idrians mini feat. Champion on HoS stay back in the trench.
Turn 1B
All my tricks are shut down, so I just take up position avoiding his threat ranges. Since I have nothing else to do I cast Occultation on Fiona and Roth’s on DSM.
There is no reason for me to skew the Vigilants so far to the left. I know that the battle will happen on the right, and with this position they will end up out of the action next turn. Ragman is also placed such that he needs to walk around if he wants to do anything useful next turn. He should have been further to the right.
Turn 2A
Reznik does nothing and the rest of the army builds an FM fortress around behind the wall that I was so afraid of giving him first turn(…!) Avatar sings gays of Menoth and runs to my zone. Sanctifier goes in the square zone and choir sings no spells.
Turn 2B
I shoot out most of the Idrians and one unit of Initiates. The green Thamarite archon runs to where the Initiates was to contest his flag. The blue archon takes a decent chunk of damage off the menite archon with two wings (the one in the back has only one wing). Fiona feats and misses a soulfire on some Idrians. I still camp two focus, but critically I decide to upkeep Occultation since I have nothing better to do.
Acosta contests his zone and Throne scores my flag.
Score 1-0
Turn 3A
I completely forgot that Scourge has Purgitation, and it turns out that he is well within threat. My opponent wants to play out the game and lets me have the takeback.
Sanctifier gets boundless charge and kills Acosta. HoS gets a decent spray off, but none of my archons die. Note that the greenThamarite archon is still there behind Avatar, but replaced by a proxy base because of wings. Something contests my flag. Probably a mechanic.
Score 1-1
Turn 3B
I mismanage this turn quite badly because I failed to realize that Avatar didn’t cast Gaze last turn (he only rolled 1 focus). I therefore end up putting too many attacks into Avatar instead of the Menite Archons in order to free up the green Thamarite archon, not making any real progress. But Luckily I figure it out before activating the Thamarite, so he is free to go into his back lines and kill a bunch of Vassals and Initiates. The Charger kills HoS. I am still not able to get to the Sanctifier with spells, so the Gallant just runs up to contest. I shoot off two Choir members with two of the Vigilants.
Fiona runs to relative safety, but there is no reason for me to be more than 6” away from the flag.
Score 2-1
I could have been a lot further off to the side with the green archon and still contested and shot the stuff that I wanted to shoot. The Toro ends up in a position which is a bit too passive. I also go ahead and trigger master of ruin this turn, but I am not sure was is a very good idea. I can get max 4-6 dmg out of it, and in return all of my archons are -2 ARM next turn.
Turn 4A
Reznik himself kills the Green Thamarite and scores the flag. Scourge, Avatar and the Menite archons easily clear out my remaining three archons. Choir runs to the square zone, but is not able to sing for the Sanctifier. We score one point each.
Score 3-2
Turn 4B
With Hymn of Shielding down for the turn I plan to score his zone, but Gallant somehow fails to kill the two choir members. I decide to have Fiona go for an unboosted soulfire to hopefully give me back the focus I need for Befuddle, but it misses and scatters away. The mistake last turn ends up costing me since Fiona is unable to reach the flag. For some stupid reason I decide to run up Alexia to arc through instead of having her take over Throne’s spot on the flag. Then she could have been a bit closer to the Vigilants, and Throne might even have been able to shoot one of the Choir dudes.
DSM charge the Avatar and do decent damage, but I realized after the game that I cheated with Mar and took two attacks with her. Three Vigilants charge in and kill one of the Menite archons. Again I manage to put the two remaining Vigilants directly behind LoS blocking terrain. I keep playing them as a shooting unit, but it is in melee they truly shine.
I score my flag, but am unable to contest his.
Score 4-3
Turn 5A
Scourge and the Menite clears my square zone and Avatar does decent damage to my Toro.
Score 5-4
Turn 5B
I kill Avatar and the last Menite archon, contesting the bottom zone in the process. I befuddle the Champion out of the zone and start working on the Sanctifier. Unfortunately I am super low on time and have to clock over before Throne can charge in.
Score 6-5
Turn 6A
I didn’t have time to take any more pictures, but at this point the game is academic. He easily clears out the Vigilants and Toro, scoring 3 points. Hermit contests my flag.
Score 6-8
Turn 6B
I Befuddle Hermit and clock over
Score 7-10
Turn 7A
He kills Gallant and scores 3 points while running Hermit back to contest
Score 7-13
Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries