143 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Issyria1 FoW
08.11.2021, 2d6 Showdown #19-21, Game 2
Time for round two and I get paired up against a Ret player with Issyria/Goreshade4. This is what I have designed my pairing to go up against so I windmill slam Ossrum. My opponent decides to drop Issyria. I was curious if the choice was influenced by me having two Blasters in the list or if he thought my speed alone would be enough to work around the cloud wall, but he honestly admitted that he had misread my list as spray bunny spam.
[Theme] The Irregulars
[Ossrum 1] General Ossrum [+28]
– Grundback Blaster [6]
– Grundback Blaster [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
– Grundback Gunner [6]
Anastasia di Bray [3]
Dez & Gubbin, Dynamite Duo [0(5)]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [6]
Gudrun the Wasted [0(5)]
Harlowe Holdemhigh [3]
Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter [0(5)]
Kell Bailoch [3]
Scythe [6]
Kayazy Eliminators [4]
[Theme] Forges of War
[Issyria 1] Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn [+29]
– Chimera [8]
– Discordia [18]
– Harpy [9]
– Harpy [9]
– Hemera [15]
– Manticore [14]
– Siren [8]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]
House Shyeel Artificer [3]
House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]
House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]
Dawnguard Trident [16]
I win the roll off and take first turn. My opponent has a Trident in his list so he doesn’t have a problem with the quicksand and takes that side.
Turn 1A
I Energizer and run. I put Eiryss up in an aggressive spot, probably a unnecessarily aggressive to be honest, but apart from AoEs from Hemera there is nothing threatening her at the moment. An obvious better move would be to put her base to base with Dez2 who has girded. Ossrum gets Bullet Dodger since he has been doing a lot of dying in my most recent games.
Turn 1B
The AoE scatter from Hemera doesn’t hit Eiryss. My opponent walks his jacks up on the left side, all within 3” of Discordia’s imprint. IR goes up on Hemera. The Trident runs around on the right side. My opponent is going a bit back and forth between skewing right and keeping it close to the building, but chooses to leave some room for the Chimera and create space to the main bulk of my army.
Turn 2A
Hutchuck and Anastasia come in and with Rust, charges and some other shots I take down the Trident. Removing the Trident off the board before feat turn is of course a huge advantage for me. Bunnies in the center start working on the Harpies, but with shield guards and Discordia’s imprint they don’t deal much damage. I hold my feat and make sure to keep enough distance that my opponent cannot charge in with his heavy hitters. Eiryss shoots a disruptor bolt at Hemera.
Turn 2B
Well, it turns out that the disruptor bolt was quite unnecessary because my opponent has all the empower sources in the world. Issyria feats and Eiryss receives a Hemera shot to the face for her troubles and goes down to a bloosted blast roll. The rest of the shooting takes a bunny down to only movement system working and nearly kills another.
Score 0-0
Turn 3A
Ossrum feats and just continues to work on the lights, but my opponent has still done a good job of keeping everything within Discordia’s imprint and in shield guard of each other. I do manage to remove the objective and run a bunny all the way over to the left hand corner of the zone. Gudrun runs over to the flag, taking care not to trigger Admonition on the Manticore. Hemera is toeing the circle zone with IR up so it is not possible for me to bulldoze him out of the zone and score five points this turn, but I do score four and have a comfortable lead even though I don’t get much attrition work done except killing the Chimera.
I also make sure that I kill the Artificer on the right side since it is the only model who can run into my zone and contest.
Score 4-0
Turn 3B
My opponent knows that he will be unable to contest my zone and will be hard pressed to score the center zone to stop me from just winning on his turn (let alone on my next turn). We have some fun semi-collaborating planning out a long shot assassination run, but as we both predicted it fails.
Score 5-0
Victory for the Mercenaries!
:: Evaluation ::
I was happy to see that my list worked so well into Issyria! I may have gotten the Trident a bit easily on my turn 3, but he would have needed to keep it very far back to be safe from my threat ranges on feat. Maybe keeping it outside of 16” from the board edge would have forced me to commit more that I would have liked.
My opponent has promised me a rematch against his Goreshade4 list, so I am looking very much forward to seeing how that will go!