Forges of War

145 Gorten1 Irreg vs Ravyn1 FoW

For this game I wanted to try out the new and improved Crosse1 and had prepared two list. A Gorten1 variant with Kayazy Assassins and a Fiona list with Boomhowler1 and Croes which I saw on the Warmachine Weekend stream over the weekend. My opponent showing up with a crazy Ravyn list made my choice easy since there is no way Fiona can stand up to such  amounts of shooting.

145 Gorten1 Irreg vs Ravyn1 FoW Read More »

143 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Issyria1 FoW

ime for round two and I get paired up against a Ret player with Issyria/Goreshade4. This is what I have designed my pairing to go up against so I windmill slam Ossrum. My opponent decides to drop Issyria. I was curious if the choice was influenced by me having two Blasters in the list or if he thought my speed alone would be enough to work around the cloud wall, but he honestly admitted that he had misread my list as spray bunn

143 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Issyria1 FoW Read More »