008 Damiano SoF vs Severius1 FM
[Theme] Soldiers of Fortune
[Damiano 1] Captain Damiano [+28]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Rocinante [16]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [0(7)]
Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye [4]
Stannis Brocker [0(7)]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Cannon Crew [0(6)]
Steelhead Cannon Crew [6]
Steelhead Halberdiers (max) [11]
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (max) [18]
[Theme] The Faithful Masses
[Severius 1] Grand Scrutator Severius [+28]
– Blessing of Vengeance [13]
– Judicator [35]
Avatar of Menoth [18]
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3]
Champion of the Order of the Wall [8]
Hermit of Henge Hold [5]
Menite Archon [8]
Menite Archon [8]
Wrack [1]
Choir of Menoth (min) [4]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]
Initiates of the Wall [0(7)]
Turn 1A
Opponent runs up max. DW on Monk and Vision on Avatar
Turn 1B
Surefoot on cav and Death March on Halbs. I keep cav 11” away from the archon and try to spread out so Judy can’t spray two at a time. Jacks and Stannis stay out 15”. I keep as much as I can in B2B with Ironheads. On the left side I respect 11” from archon, but stay wihtin 13” of Champion. Rocinante stays out of Champion’s line of sight.
Turn 2A
Judy kills one cav deals only a little damage to the rightmost Freebooter. Champion takes out one arm on the green Freebooter. Spells swap around: Vision on the monk and Defender’s Ward on the Champion. Initiates in the left zone and on the right side Judy is screened by blessing and Initiates.
Turn 2B
I want to feat kill blessing with the cav so that Freebooter and stannis can get to Judy. I hope that Rocinante and the other can clear a path so I can get a feated Freebooter o to the rightmost archon. However, Blessing’s Defensive strike kills a cav and so I can only get one on to it. This means that Rocinante has to go kill blessing and Road to War back. This sucks for me because now he is blocking Stannis’ charge lane. Instead he goes to kill the last Initiate, at least securing me a point. The Freebooter goes in on Judy anyway and does a chunk of damage. I get a bit too clever and RtW him out of combat taking 19 damage on the freestrike. My thinking was that I could go within 8” of Damiano and would still contest the flag. But I don’t think it was worth it.
On the right side I also mess up since need to take a freestrike from the Champion to contest the zone. The problem is that I end up outside of feat, so I lose an arm and don’t kill (or at least de-horse) the Champion. The green Freebooter also fails to do any damage. Having played Damiano against Severius1 before I make sure to keep as much as possible within 8” on my feat turn.
Score 1-0
Turn 3A
My army melts and Damiano dies.Judy and the second archon didn’t even activate. Note that the picture is taken during aftermath, so it is missing the Champion and monk who both charged Damiano.
Two leaning points: 1) Rocinante is just a hair out of 3” for guard dog (this would have mattered since the archon rolled a 7 to hit), and 2) The Ironhead should have been on the left side of Damiano since that’s where the damage dealers would come from.
Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries