126 Rask1 WWFF vs Tanith1 SM
Tanith1 in Secret Masters was a hot new list around a year ago but seems to have fallen off the radar lately. My opponent hadn’t been playing at all for the last year and wanted to bring out his old list. I thought I’d bring back another old classic. Rask with all the juniors is one of the most fun lists I have ever played and here’s my take on it:
Minions, Will Work for Food
- Spitter
- Wrastler
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Wrong Eye
- Snapjaw
- Brine
- Battle Boar
Dhunian Archon
[Theme] Secret Masters
[Tanith 1] Tanith the Feral Song [+31]
– Wold Wight [5]
– Wold Wight [5]
– Wold Wight [5]
– Wold Wight [5]
– Woldwyrd [9]
– Woldwyrd [9]
Blackclad Wayfarer [4]
Dhunian Archon [0(6)]
Scythe [0(6)]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Una the Falconer [4]
– Storm Raptor [34]
Farrow Slaughterhousers [9]
Shifting Stones [3]
Shifting Stones [3]
Well of Orboros [10]
(The last requisition option should have been a Hermit which my opponent forgot about)
I get the first turn. The Totem Hunter Preys the Woldwyrd on the right side.
Turn 1A
Running up and keeping out of range of the bird.
Turn 1B
Stuff shuffles up. The well makes a Wayfearer.
Turn 2A
I put stuff in the zones and the Spitter breaks up the rightmost Shifting stones. Rask Feats.
Turn 2B
Slaughterhousers and a Wold Wight run in to contest my zone. Tanith feats to arc two rifts into Gudrun via the Wight, but they roll terribly. The Wayfearers come in to spray, but do little damage.
Score 0-2
Turn 3A
I clear out the center and send in a Brine with Fury and Rage on the Storm Raptor. I miss a couple of attacks which leaves the bird alive. In hindsight I should probably have given it Primal instead of Rage. Unfortunately, the Spitter misses the River raider on my opponent’s flag.
Score 3-3
Turn 3B
The Woldwyrd, Una and Tanith shoot the Wrastler dead and the finishes off Brine who had already taken a beating from Plasma Nimbus. Slaughterhousers remove the objective.
Score 3-5
Turn 4A
We are running out of time and unfortunately it looks like we will only be able to play one more round. This means that I will not be able to win on attrition and since I am one point behind I need to go for a big scenario play. I try to clear the central zone, but the Valkyrie manages to miss its 4+ to hit the Dhunian Archon so I only end up scoring two points.
Score 5-5
Turn 4B
Opponent clears the zone and the Dhunian tanks a free strike to contest my zone.
Score 5-6
Technically a loss for the Minions
:: Evaluation ::
I think I had the attrition game locked down, but we unfortunately didn’t have enough time to finish the game. Had I cast Primal instead of Rage on Brine when he went in I would proabably have more resources to maybe clear the central zone on my fourth turn. Also, I could have used the Spitter to clear the rectangle zone and sent the Totem Hunter after the River Raider instead. This would have given me two chances at 6s to hit instead of one boosted 10, so increasing the odds of him not scoring the flag.