125 Saeryn1 RoW vs Kraye1 SoT

125 Saeryn1 RoW vs Kraye1 SoT

14.10.2021, Brawlmachine

Another Brawlmachine game, this time against Cygnar. I decided to bring Saeryn just to shake things up. I have found that the learning potential from analysing Brawl games is a bit limited so I will not spend so much time on these battle reports going forward and instead focus more on the actual 75 point games I get in. 

Legion of Everblight, Ravens of War


  • Zuriel
  • Carnivean
  • Raek
  • Harrier


Spell Martyr

Sorceress and Hellion

Gobber Chef

Strider Deathstalker


Cygnar, Sons of Tempest


  • Centurion
  • Ironclad


  • Minuteman

Gobber Tinker

Bastian Falk

Gun Mages (new rules)


Cygnar starts. 

Turn 1A

Turn 1B

Keeping outside of trick shot range

Turn 2A

Centurion in zone, Polarity field is up

Turn 2B

I try a trick where I can prevent the Centurion from spending focus and get to my Carnivean, but forgot about beacon giving out free charges. I should also have put something behind the Carnivean to prevent Thunderbolts.

Score 1-1

Turn 3A

With beacon my opponent is able to charge and kill the Sorceress&Hellion and thunderbolt the Carnivean out. 

Score 1-3

Turn 3B

I go for an assassingation where I throw the Centurion over Kraye. It turns out that he is Steady, but I luck out and hit all my follow-up attacks anyway. My damage rolls are also on fire, so Kraye goes down. 

Victory for the Legion of Everblight!

:: Evaluation ::

I should probably sit down and read through Kraye’s whole card before next time I play him, because missing free charge from feat should have cost me the game. Luckily I also didn’t know about Steady so I went for the assassination which looked pretty good if he could have been knocked down. Again I was lucky enough to spike the dice rolls and get an undeserved win. 

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