123 Haley1 SoT vs Aiakos2 BI

123 Haley1 SoT vs Aiakos2 BI

09.10.2021, BrawlMachine

Time for another game with Haley1, this time against Cryx and Aiakos2. This is a caster I have never faced before. My opponent explains that this is a very assassination focused caster so I will need to look out for that. I do some changes in my list setup and decide to ditch Caine0 since he is too big of a lynchpin in my army.

Cygnar, Sons of Tempest


  • Thorn
  • Firefly
  • Centurion

Gun Mage Captain Adept

Bastian Falk

Black 13th


Cryx, Black Industries


  • Kharybdus
  • Desecrator
  • Withershadow Combine



Hellslinger Phantom

Warwitch Siren


I get first turn

Turn 1A

I run up.

Turn 1B

The Hellslinger is hidden behind the well. Scything tough on the Warwitch Siren.

Turn 2A

I try to arc a chain blast on the Desecrator to get to the Warwitch Siren, but she survives on two boxes. I Scramble Kharybdus and Reactionary drive Thorn back. Centurion goes up in front to block.

Turn 2B

Desecrator shoots Lynch. Kharybdus gets a focus from the Siren, then tramples for free due to Assail and buys an attack on the Firefly, but misses. Hellslinger runs to my flag.

Score 0-2

Turn 3A

I Arcane bolt the Machine Wrath off the flag. Watts kills the Hellslinger and Ryan actually deals a significant amount of damage to Aiakos. I scramble Kharybdus again. The Firefly kills the Warwitch siren.

Unfortunately I manage to block the lane for Falk to run over to the flag so he is just a couple of mm out of range to claim the point. 

Score 0-2

Turn 3B

Opponent kills the Firefly, Watts and Ryan, and gets Aiakos on my flag for the win.

Sadly, a loss for the Swans.

:: Evaluation ::

I gave up two points first by not contesting my flag enough and then by blocking myself from scoring my own flag. This cost me the game and my opponent was able to find and angle to take advantage of my mistakes.

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