122 Haley1 SoT vs Ghyrrshyld4 DoI

122 Haley1 SoT vs Ghyrrshyld4 DoI

09.10.2021, Brawlmachine

I got in a couple of quick Brawlmachine games and inspired by the Kraye list I faced earlier I wanted to test out some Haley1 in Sons of Tempest. My opponent brought Goreshade4 with a bunch of Ellouwyr models I have never seen before so I would be going into a learning experience.  

Cygnar, Sons of Tempest


  • Hunter
  • Centurion


  • Ace

Bastian Falk

Black 13th


Retribution of Scyrah, Defenders of Ios


  • Sphinx
  • Chimera
  • Siren

Ellouwyr Swordsmen


Swordsman solo

Ghost Sniper



Opponent wins first turn. 

Turn 1A

Opponent runs up. DR on the Defenders

Turn 1B

Ace trick shots the mechanic. The Hunter shoots Siren, but forgets about Oracular Vision. 

Turn 2A

Defenders run to engage Falk and Caine. A cloud goes up in the middle and Goreshade feats. 

Turn 2B

Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture. Centurion walks up to contest both zones with Polarity field up. I measure only 6” to the Sphinx, not realizing that it has a 2” melee range. Falk clears out the two Ryssovass defenders engaging him and Caine and I survive the Dying breath attacks. I should have kept them out of engagement range last turn. Caine needs to go stand on the flag and I try to shoot out the Defender who was within threat range, but unfortunately he survives. 

Ryan kills the Ghost Sniper on the flag

Score 0-0

Turn 3A

The surviving Defender receives all the hit buffs and charges and kills Caine. 

Score 0-0

Turn 3B

I feat and try to clear as many models as possible, but I don’t get a lot of work done due to toughs and poor hit rolls. Haley reactivates Ace who is now just an expensive hand cannon since he is not bonded to Caine. 

Score 0-0

Turn 4A

Throws the Centurion out of the zone and clears my flag. 

Score 0-3

Turn 4B

I go for an assassination with Deadeye on Ace and the Hunter but fall just a bit short. 

Sadly, a loss for the Swans.

:: Evaluation ::

I relied a bit too heavily on Caine removing the two Ryssovass defenders who were within his charge range. I should have Spirit doored Ace over to contest the flag and kept Caine safe in the back. 

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