061 Magnus2 Irregulars vs Feora4 HoD
I got a chance to play against the new and exciting Feora4. Since there is a tournament coming up I wanted to try out a Magnus2 list including my freshly painted Blockader.
[Theme] The Irregulars
[Magnus 2] Magnus the Warlord [+28]
– Blockader [33]
– Nomad [12]
– Nomad [12]
– Talon [7]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]
Anastasia di Bray [3]
Boomhowler, Solo Artist [0(6)]
Harlowe Holdemhigh [0(5)]
Hermit of Henge Hold [5]
Scythe [0(6)]
Idrian Skirmishers (min) [9]
– Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide [5]
Kayazy Eliminators [5]
Kayazy Eliminators [5]
[Theme] Hearts of Darkness (Protectorate)
[Feora 4] Feora, the Forsaken [+28]
– Crusader [10]
– Crusader [10]
– Dervish [7]
– Dervish [7]
– Dervish [7]
– Purifier [8]
– Revenger [10]
– Hierophant [3]
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3]
Great Princess Regna Gravnoy [0(6)]
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]
Scrutator Potentate Severius [6]
– Redeemer [11]
Umbral Guardian [0(6)]
Valin Hauke, The Fallen Knight [7]
Choir of Menoth (max) [6]
Initiates of the Wall [7]
I have Anastasia and reroll, so the odds to win the roll off are good. I do win and choose to go first. My plan is to use the two obstructions to cut the board in half diagonally and dominate the circular zone and my flag. Both me and my opponent failed to realise that the circular zone was missing a central flag.
Objective choice lands on pathfinder. I should possibly have considered magical weapons considering that I am going up against the Choir of Menoth, but looking at the guns in my army I am not sure it would have made much of an impact due to the interaction of the wording of passage and CRA (ie. it doesn’t work).
Turn 1A
I run up, but take care to keep the infantry outside of threat of the Redeemer to avoid any silly turn 1 Road to War shenanigans.
Turn 1B
The Redeemer gets a lucky scatter on one of the Idrians and manages to get the Road to War trigger anyway. Feora takes a forward position in the central trench and arcs two spells on my Idrians. One of the Idrians is outside the trench and just within threat range from the arc node. I also had some Idrians within threat, but in the rubble so that was a 12 to hit.
Turn 2A
The Blockader charges and kills the Crusader on the right. The central Nomad charges the Monk and rolls the 10 he needs to hit (first time ever I am glad that I field a Nomad instead of a Toro). Other stuff just runs up and Magnus feats on most of my opponent’s army. Harlowe starts shooting the Shrieker, but my opponent shield guards.
I feel that I make two misplays this turn. First I decide to dump all three of Alexia2’s soul tokens to make thralls. In hindsight I should have kept at least one of the tokens and moved her over to be within Arcane vortex range of Magnus. Swapping places with Boomhowler2 looks good. The second misplay is that I am way too passive with Scythe. I am too focused on keeping her in the forest, but now she is just too far away from the action and also her line of sight is literally blocked by the Blockader.
Turn 2B
My opponent finds a smart way to get around my feat with the arc node by using Road to War to go sideways outside of Magnus’ control range. I should at least have used the Eliminators to make this a bit more difficult for him. We discuss through the potential spell assasination, but my opponent decides to go for attrition instead.
With Tactician there is no problem bringing the back line forward to join the fight while the front line is stuck due to feat. As a result my leftmost Nomad is destroyed and the nomad on the right loses its cortex, but is fortunately still standing to contest the flag. Mad vision is triggered in the process. Feat takes out a bunch of Idrians and Thralls.
My opponent forgets to contest my flag, so I score 1 point.
Score 1-0
Turn 3A
I give Hermit repos from Boomhowler and take out the Arc node and cripple the Dervish near the enemy flag. The Blockader walks forward and kills the Dervish in the zone plus one Initiate. The Nomad manages to finish off the Umbral Guardian.
I am very uncertain of the Blockader play here. This position is very effective at “plugging the hole” to deny my opponent any effective contest. I also went clear of the obstruction to ensure that I would hit the Dervish. On the other hand he is now within threat range of the Crusader. I wish I had measured up how far he would have stayed back, but from the pictures it looks to me like it would have been possible to still hit the Dervish from outside of 11” from the Crusader.
Score 3-0
Turn 3B – Version 1
So the Crusader charges in and kills the Blockader and the Dervishes clear out my opponent’s flag. The redeemer shoots the objective, but does not boost damage on the first shot. This means that it takes all three shots to clear the objective, leaving Alexia2 alive to score the flag.
Score 4-1
Turn 3B – Alternate history
We rolled out what would have happened and it turns out that the Redeemer did hit and kill alexia. In this case the score would be 3-1 and most of my army is gone. It is theoretically possible for me to score three points next turn, but with so few units left on the board I think this would be a clear victory for the Infernals.
Turn 4A
We play out the turn where Alexia survived, and I easily clear the zone and kill the objective for three points.
Score 7-1
Technically a victory for the Mercenaries!
:: Evaluation ::
The game got a bit coloured by us forgetting to set up the flag in the zone. But I did score two points which could have been prevented on my flag during my opponent’s turn, so that made for a more exciting game. Although I shouldn’t expect that my opponent would have skewed so hard to my left if there had been an additional scoring element on the right.
I found that my list was lacking a bit when it comes to damage output and magical attacks. But with Gaspy4 already on the painting table I don’t want to mess too much around with this temporary version.