Fiona1 TC vs Skarre1 BI
Skarre1 Black Industries
- Deathjack
- Slayer
- Kharybdus
- 2xStalker
Min mechanithralls + 3 brutes
Wraith engine
2x Pistol wraith
Void archon
Warwitch siren
[Theme] Talion Charter
[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]
– Freebooter [9]
– Freebooter [9]
– Mariner [14]
– Mariner [14]
– Mariner [14]
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile [4]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Powder Monkey [0(2)]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]
Press Gangers (min) [7]
Scharde Dirge Seers [0(6)]
Sea Dog Deck Gun [0(3)]
Sea Dog Deck Gun [0(3)]
Sea Dog Pirates (min) [7]
– Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster [4]
– Sea Dog Pirate Rifleman (3) [3]
The Commodore Cannon & Crew [7]
Turn 1B
Kills Deathjack with befuddle, curse, kiss and 4 charging sea dogs (incl walls)
Minimal damage on WE
Slam slayer 4” back.
Should have prioritized the pistol wraith
Respecting both 15” from stalkers and 12” from ambushers means I have traffic jam issues. I also forget to move Fiona so the Freebooter is stuck
Turn 2A:
Void archon clears the pirates, kills A&H and cripples the gun on the blue Mariner!
Skarre1 feats on the big stuff, including Aiakos which means that a Soulfire play is off the table
Machine wraith misses attack
Turn 2B
Ambushers on left, befuddle stalker and slayer in zones and feat.
Kill Void archon, Pistol Wraith and Machine Wraith
I forget about MW and take 12 pts in 4 on the freestrike, which means that I lose movement if I Fleet and therefore can’t reach the zone to contest. We played this wrong because I should have taken fleet dmg first, then lose movement on freestrike and stop immediately. This would have clogged up my lines.
Reason for aggressive Fiona placement was to get back arc on the Stalker befuddle (I rolled a 6, so ended up needing it).
A better line of play is to shoot the cannon at the slayer first to see if I can push him out. Looks like I need a 3 or a 4. If it works I can go for the back arc and camp 3. If it doesn’t work, I can stay back and befuddle stalker in front arc needing 8.
Score: 2-0
Turn 3A
Cryx gets the assassination (78%):
Pistol wraith with two souls
Dark guidance
Two stalkers (need to jump)
Dark shroud from engine
Fiona camping 1 with feat up