015 Crosse2 Flames vs Sorcha3 AC
[Theme] Flame in the Darkness
[Crosse 2] Lieutenant Crosse, Resistance Fighter [+29]
– Gallant [17]
– Mariner [14]
– Toro [13]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]
Grand Master Gabriel Throne [7]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Morrowan Archon [8]
Ragman [0(4)]
Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]
Thamarite Archon [8] (proxy: Void archon)
Thamarite Archon [8] (proxy: Void archon)
Precursor Knights (max) [14]
– Precursor Knight Officer & Standard [0(4)]
[Theme] Armored Korps
[Sorscha 3] Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff [+28]
– Beast 09 [18]
– Juggernaut [13]
– Juggernaut [13]
– Kodiak [13]
– Marauder [11]
Man-O-War Suppression Tanker [0(6)] (proxy: piñata phantasm)
Battle Mechaniks (max) [5]
Man-O-War Demolition Corps (max) [14]
– Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich [0(6)]
Man-O-War Shocktroopers (max) [16]
– Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer [0(4)]
I get first turn and deploy the Precursor Knights on the side without the big ass forest. Both choose healing objective
Turn 1A
Dauntless Resolve on the central Morrowan Archon and Life Bound on the PKs.
Turn 1B
Stoke the Flames on Kodiak and Beast09 and Iron Flesh on the Shock troopers
Turn 2A
I run up Acosta to be outside of melee ranges. Mariner walks up to shoot the Juggernaut which will clip a bunch of Battle Mechanic. I totally miss that there is a Beast09 here, so he Shield guards. I decide that I don’t care if he Hyper aggressives, so I boost damage and he walks forward. The rest of my army shoots Beast and I get a charge with the Morrowan Archon and two PKs. They get the +2 dmg from Throne, but I decide to save my minifeat.
I completely forget about Tactician from Throne, so what I should have done was to charge in 3 PKs (and probably minifeated) before going in with the Archon. That way I could have kept the archon safer behind the PKs and not giving away back arc.
Turn 2B
Kodiak clears the Morrowan archon with flank and Stoke from Sorcha3. She feats to block PK charges. Beast tramples over the remaining knights and buys a couple of attacks on Gallant. We discuss a bit afterwards and note that Acosta would probably have been a better target.
Score 0-0
Turn 3A
I forget that Beast is low on health and overkill him with Gallant under Ragman buff. Crosse shoots two mechanics to fill up on souls. Acosta goes in and deals a bunch of damage to the central Juggernaut.
I make a huge mistake here and go for a point on the right side. To achieve this I minifeat PKs and charge the two Shock troopers I can see. I pop the two in the rectangle zone into a cloud to get the whole unit in the circle (not getting souls for this). Then the Toro tramples in to kill he last Shock trooper. The problem is that he is dice – 5, so he needs a boosted 13. It is also not worth the trade since he can just walk the Juggernaut in and delete him while staying in a super safe spot from retaliation.
Going for Beast09 with Gallant is also a clear mistake. I should have used the Mariner to clear Beast and charged in Gallant on one of the jacks in the zone. Together with Acosta and some archon shots I could have cleared an extra heavy.
Score 0-0
Turn 3B
Demo corps and marauder finish of Gallant. Kodiak starts working on the Mariner. He takes out some systems, but the objective can heal at the start of next turn. On the right side the Juggernaut finishes the Toro easily. My opponent decides to go assault PKs with the shock troopers to get some extra damage out. It ends up paying off for him, but needing 8s to hit I think it would have been better to have them Shield Wall.
Score 0-0
Turn 4A
Objective heals Mariner and with Death shroud I get a pretty good thresher catching Marauder, Kodiak and a Demolition Corps. I am pretty confident that I can finish off the Kodiak with the rest of my attacks, so I start buying attacks on the Marauder. Both Thamarites roll 1 shot which are both spent to Death Driver the Demo Corps which is B2B with the Marauder. The Death driver attack misses the Marauder with snake eyes. The Morrowan archon do a couple of boxes to the Marauder, but leaves in on only a couple of boxes left.
Crosse activates Death dealer and starts shooting the Kodiak. After a couple of shots it I switch to the Juggernaut near Sorscha since I assume that Throne can do the rest with his weapon master POW16 charge under Ragman and Stir the Blood. He fails, of course, leaving the Kodiak with no cortex and one arm disabled.
Alexia sits on one soul and has not yet activated, but since the Kodiak is crippled I decide to have the thrall squeeze through and charge the Jugger near Sorscha. I am very unlikely to kill it and it has plenty of repair available, so I am unsure of this decision. I end up doing minimal to average damage. I am unsure if this was the correct priority, but it didn’t end up costing me anything.
Sorscha is camping 0 so there is a very reasonable assassination run available for me. Considering my mistakes last turn I would probably have gone for it in a tournament.
Score 0-0
Turn 4B
Dragovich gets vengeance and the damaged Marauder finish off the Mariner and the Kodiak leaves the Objective on 3 boxes. The central Juggernaut kills Throne and the second Jugger starts clearing out the remaining PKs in the right zone.
Score 0-0
Turn 5A
Crosse feats and activates Death Driver again, but with all his attacks he somehow fails to kill the Kodiak to activate Run & Gun. I have two souls left so I consider activating +3 DEF, but since I only have two PKs left I want to keep my two them to have 4 souls next turn for Death Driver. I camp the rest of my focus.
The dice aren’t kind to me this turn, so I fail to finish off any of the sub-5-box jacks which are jammed up in my grill. [The damage boxes are actually visible on the pad: Jugger: 3 boxes, Marauder: 2 and Kodiak: 1]
Score 0-0
Turn 5B
My opponent sees the Wind Rush angle, gets the 10 to stationary Crosse, and that’s game over.
Had I activated the +3 DEF or triggered Run & Gun would have survived. Attrition wise I am in an OK spot since I have three Archons alive and a very active caster.
Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries
::Evaluation ::
I am not sure if Crosse wants to be in Flames or if it just better to build a similar list in LR. The list was a bit thrown together and I didn’t want to proxy too much, so it could have been optimised. For example I would like to include Hermit, a battle priest and one or two Chargers. It also became very obvious that Alexia2 needs to be swapped for Alexia1 since Crosse just grabs all the souls. That being said my opponent’s list was also quite limited by model availability, so it felt like a fair fight.
My main goal for the game was to test out the Thamarite Archons before making a decision to buy and paint the models. This game they didn’t have so many good targets, but even then they performed very well since they could slowly whittle down the Demo corps even on feat turn. They were also nowhere near being taken off the table and with four archons I was never in any danger of giving away too many scenario points (admittedly not so hard on Invasion, but still…).