220 Fiona vs Reznik

220 Fiona vs Reznik



  • Galleon
  • Swabber
  • Mariner
  • Mangler

3x River raider

3x Powder monkey

Ayana & Holt

2x Riflemen

Commodore Cannon



  • Judicator
  • Scourge of Heresy
  • Redeemer

2x Cinerators + UA

2x Warder




2x Vassal Mech


Protectorate gets first turn

Turn 1A

Everything stays out of range

Turn 1B

I crawl up and stay out of all threat ranges. 

Turn 2A

Judy stays out of 10” of the galleon and choir sings shielding. Scourge is powered up with three focus for Arcane Vortex. 

Turn 2B

Fiona feats and Chastens Death March away from the Vengers, killing one in the process. The Mariner fails to kill any more Vengers. The Cannon kills a Cinerator on the left side. Galleon walks up and shoots Judy with magical weapons from Ayana. 

I run in Dougal to contest the left zone since the Riflemen are still jammed by the Vengers. In hindsight it would have been better to spend the Break Through card so they could have ran.

Score 0-0

Turn 3A

Judy moves out of 10” of my Galleon and shoots out the objective. Cinerators clear the left zone.

My opponent points out that I should have placed the Mangler in front of the Galleon instead of the Swabber. That way I would have threatened Judy a lot more and possibly forced him to trade Judy for the Mangler. Of course the danger is that Judy could one-round the Mangler, which would leave me empty handed. A better play would probably have been to feat and run with Fiona instead of nuking the one Venger.  

Score 0-2

Turn 3B

I am looking for a drag play on Scourge, but with a shield guard in the back and three Arcane Vortexes there is not much I can do. I settle for killing the Cinerators with nukes and take Scourge down to ⅓ health with Galleon. In hindsight I needed to focus on the objective to buy myself another turn.

Score 0-2

Turn 4A

Opponent kills the Galleon to clear all three zones and win

Score 0-5

Sadly, a loss for the Pirates…

:: Evaluation ::

This game was mostly to get back into things after a long break. Misplays are to be expected. I threw the Galleon into the list just to test. I realized quickly that it would have been much better to upgrade the Swabber to another Mangler. Ultimately I will most likely end up with Magnus4 instead of the Galleon. 

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