177 Thexus1 OT vs Bennett1 MO
Rocketmen can be the most horrible thing ever to play against if you don’t have the tools to deal with them. My opponent wanted to test out a Bennett list with all the Rocketmen. I figured I’d just drop Thexus and see what happens.
- Stygius
- 2x Wrecker
- 2x Warden
3x Agitator
Pistol wraith
2x Overlords
Min Croes
Void archon
- Stalker
- Vindicator
- Suppressor
2x Rocketmen + UA
Min rocketmen
2x Mentalist
I win the roll off (thank god) and go first.
Turn 1A
I aim Gaspy, Stalker and the Croes at the Railless and run forward
Turn 1B
Rocketmen run forward, ie. no defensive order this turn. Railless stays back.
Turn 2A
I realize that the Overlords are too far back to reach anything meaningful if I feat and commit this turn. The opponent holding the Railless back also means I would get to anything juicy if I go in. I therefore decide to cloud up and contest the zones. My opponent commented that I should probably have taken the opportunity to go in now that the Rocketmen are “only” DEF 14. That is probably a correct observation.
Turn 2B
Bennet feats and manages to kill Gaspy. We realize that Bennett has Wind burst, so my whole play with clouding off the gap was completely unviable. I am guaranteed going to lose this game anyway now that Gaspy has gone down, so we decide to re-rack.
Sadly a loss for the Mercenaries