174 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Syvestro1 MO
01.05.2022, RheinCon 2022, Brawlmachine, Pickup game
It doesn’t take long to find someone who is up for a pickup game. My opponent is waiting for his friend to finish his game and wants to play Brawlmachine instead of a full 75 point game. I am happy to round off my RheinCon experience with a shorter and less exhausting game and slap together an Ossrum list with the models I already have on my tray:
- Driller
- Rockram
- Gunner
- Basher
Kayazy Eliminators
- Alyce
- Vindicator
- Suppressor
Failed Experiments
I get the first turn.
Turn 1A
The first turn sees no surprises from either side
Turn 1B
Turn 2A
Ossrum feats and Harlowe tries to snipe out the Mentalist, but misses. I take the Rockram shot on the Suppressor to try to knock it down to that it can’t Admonition away from the Basher, but I miss. At this point I try to sneak around a Bullet Dodgered Kayazy, but I can’t get enough range to get all the way behind the Suppressor so he is able to Admonition out of threat from the Basher. That is probably just as well because I doubt it could have destroyed it anyway. To be honest I should have abandoned the Supressor once Harlowe failed to kill the Mentalist.
Turn 2B
Syvestro does not feat. Failed experiments go in on the Rockram, but he survives on a couple of boxes. The Driller is still contesting the central zone and flag though. Alice converts and tries to kill Kell, but somehow fails to get there on damage.
Notice the sweet home made dice which shows which buffs the F. ex have chosen. That’s a neat idea!
Score 0-0
Turn 3A
I spend most of my turn clearing big Alyce and the Mechanic from the right hand flag. Harlowe finishes the job on the Mentalist.
Score 2-0
Turn 3B
Opponent clears the Rockram and Driller, but fails to score any points.
Score 2-0
Turn 4A
Kell aims and removes the contesting Failed ex. Ossrum casts Unstoppable Force and the Basher bulldozes the Suppressor out of the zone. I score two points and win.
Score 4-0
Victory for the Mercenaries!
:: Evaluation ::
So I did get to drop my Ossrum list into Syvestro this weekend after all, even though it was not a full 74 points game. Unsurprisingly I lost most of my models, but in my opinion Brawl is a format that favors this scenario rush playstyle a lot more than SR due to the four point mercy rule and shorter round cap. There was probably a way for my opponent to kill the Rockram with Alyce and then swarm the zone and flag with Failed Experiments and the Suppressor may have been able to trample up to more than 2” into the zone with Super fuel. But he would still have to score at least two points and stop me from scoring any so that could have been a nailbiter until the very last dice roll.