167 Fiona1 Irreg vs Feora3 CM

167 Fiona1 Irreg vs Feora3 CM

29.04.2022, RheinCon 2022, Casual game

Finally it is time for my first international tournament since the pandemic started and actually my first trip abroad in almost three whole years!  RheinCon had a schedule which suited my schedule and travel arrangements really well so I got in a full work day on Friday before leaving for Düsseldorf. I arrived too late to participate in any of the Friday tournaments, but when I got to the gaming hall there were plenty of guys hanging out and I got to play a casual warm-up game against one of the locals. 

He had a Feora3/Vindictus pair and told me to pick whichever matchup I wanted. Since I played Ossrum vs. Vindictus last weekend I decided to go for Fiona vs. Feora not really thinking too much about it. Probably not the smartest decision had it been a real tournament game, but the goal is just to have a good time and get a game in before the action starts the next day. 


Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries

:: Evaluation ::

I quickly realized that my opponent is an exceptionally strong player and it was impressive to see how well he was able to use the Covenant2 and Fortify deny my offensive tricks. Fiona into a gunline with Judy and triple Redeemer is obviously not going to be a matchup I am going to chase in a tournament, but I could get dragged into it by losing list chicken like this at some point. It is useful to have seen the list piloted well and firing on all cylinders!

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