134 Fiona1 FitD vs Lucant1 DI

134 Fiona FitD vs Lucant DI


I was eager to try out the new Fiona list with the Morrowan archon and Vigilants swapped out for Malvin & Mayhem. My opponent is playing Lucant. This should be interesting since my list is quite shooting focused, but I still have some decent heavy hitters. Will it be enough though?

[Theme] Flame in the Darkness
[Fiona 1] Fiona the Black [+27]27
– Charger [9]−9
– Charger [9]−9
– Nomad−11
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [7]−6
Glyn Cormier, Illuminated One [0(5)]0
Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]0
Thamarite Advocate [3]0
Thamarite Advocate [3]0
Thamarite Advocate [3]−3
Thamarite Archon [8]−9
Thamarite Archon [8]−9
Field Mechaniks (min) [3]−2
Precursor Knights (max) [14]−14
– Precursor Knight Officer & Standard [4]−4
– Battle Priest−2
Malvin & Mayhem−17
Field mechanics min−2
Field mechanics min−2


Convergence of Cyriss, Destruction Initiative


  • Corollary 
  • 3x Conservator


  • Centurion


  • 2x Talon

3x Repair bots, 6x Flare bots



I win the roll for first turn.

Turn 1A

I keep everything outside of Max shooting range of Nemo, exceot one of the chargers who receives Occulation. In hindsight I should have just run max with the Precursors since losing two knights to shooting would probably be well worth the vengeance trigger. 

Turn 1B

Gaspy walls off the gap between the forest and the cloud. The Centurion imprints and runs up. Deceleration is of course up. 

Turn 2A

I try to be fancy and Befuddle up one of the Conservators, but fall short on damage. Unfortunately I was unable to get it outside of all the shield guard droes, so since I will trigger Hand of Vengeance anyway I decide to go for a direct shot with the Thamarite archon to kill the three who are standing in front of Nemo. In hindsight we are looking at ARM 23 vs shooting, so going for this play was just a bad play. I should probably mention that I was planning to charge in Gabriel Throne too, but as I was activating him I realized that I had actually cut him from the list so he had to magically disappear from the table.

Turn 2B

Unfortunately I have managed to place the Mechanic leader just in the right spot so Gaspy could charge him and also get into melee with Malvin & Mayhem. This basically loses me the game instantly because Lucant is about to feat and I will be down my main heavy hitter. Well done to my opponent for spotting my mistake, and I will just have to try and keep an eye on these lanes in the future. 

Score 1-1

Turn 3A

I feat and deal some minor damage

Score 2-2

Turn 3B
Opponent just keeps grinding and I am losing models real fast. 

Score 2-3

Turn 4A

I have to go for an assassination on Lucant. It becomes a bit complicated with me needing to Befuddle away the Corollary shield guards and shooting my weakest attacks directly at the Servitors. But my opponent is kind enough to help me through the process and we find the optimal line together. The dice are with me and Lucant goes down. 

Victory for the Mercenaries!

:: Evaluation ::

This was obviously a steal and I shouldn’t have won the game. I have a feeling that I have a bit too many points invested in shooting for this to be a viable matchup. Giving away Malvin&Mayhem before Lucant feat was just the nail in the coffin. I should also not have gone for the Turn 2 play against the Conservator. This list is capable of dealing with low to medium ARM at ranged, but at ARM 22 I would have needed a damage boost from Hermit or Ragman to get any real work done.

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