132 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Makeda2 MoW

132 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Makeda2 MoW


Jumping quickly on to another game, this time against a Skorne player who is excited that his old Makeda2 cats list has received significant buffs. I am instantly sad that the Thamarite Advocates have lost their Fell Curse ability to have a chance to work around Stay Death. I therefore need to drop Ossrum. With the Rhulic Heavies going to ARM 18 the obvious list is just cramming in as many heavies as possible, so this is what I came up with:

Mercenaries, Irregulars

[Ossrum 1] General Ossrum [+28]28
– Ghordson Basher [9]−9
– Ghordson Driller [10]−10
– Ghordson Driller [10]−10
– Ghordson Driller [10]−10
– Ghordson Driller [10]−10
– Ghordson Driller [10]−10
– Blaster−6
– Blaster−6
Anastasia di Bray [3]−3
Dez & Gubbin, Dynamite Duo [0(5)]0
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]−6
Harlowe Holdemhigh [5]−3
Orin Midwinter0
Hermit of Henge Hold [5]0
Kell Bailoch [5]−3
Scythe [0(6)]−6
Kayazy Eliminators [5]−4
Kayazy Eliminators [5]−4


Skorne, Masters of War


  • Krea
  • Reptile hound
  • Molik Karn

2x Ferox

2x Tyrant commander

Beast masters



2x task master

Legends of Halaak


I get first turn. Thank you Anastasia and theme reroll. I don’t know if this matchup is even playable if I go second. 

Turn 1A

I energizer and everything runs up their absolute maximum 

Turn 1B

Wow, that’s a blurry picture. My opponent builds the typical Ferox bunker keeping most of his stuff within Force aura, with Tough, Steady and Dodge. It has been a while since he has played this list, but I guess he has it committed to muscle memory because I have no idea how I would be able to crack this. 

Turn 2A

Knowing that scenario will be my one and only path to victory I just feat and run up to create a wall in front of the Ferox. My snipers and blasters try to whittle down as many boxes as possible on the cats on the right hand side, but I am of course not able to get the volume needed to get through Stay Death. 

Turn 2B

I am a little bit Worried that Molik Karn can punch out one or two of the Blasters which would leave a gap in the wall for the Ferox to pour (purr) through in order to get to my home flag. But my opponent prioritizes to activate the Ferox first in order to maximize damage output from Finisher on Molik Karn. I assume there is a way that my opponent could have snuck in a Keltari to contest my flag, but we never measured if that was an option.

I don’t lose any jacks this turn, but both the Drillers proxied by Freebooters are pretty hurt and mostly useless at this point. 

Score 1-0

Turn 3A

I am pretty sure that I need to win this turn if I stand a chance in the game. Next turn my opponent will kill most of my heavies and start catching up on scenario. I start looking at some Bulldoze plays, but quickly realize that my only chance is to load up the Driller on the right (who was knocked down from a slam from one of the Legends). I therefore start on the left and try to work my way though the Stay Deaths. I actually do pretty well, but unfortunately Schythe and the Driller both fail miserably. I also forget about Defensive strike on the Legends and manage to lose one of the Eliminators going in. I therefore end up scoring neither of the elements on the right side, but I do destroy the objective. 

Score 3-0

Turn 3B

As predicted my opponent kills three of my heavies, a blaster and a bunch of my solos. Lucky for me he is unable to prioritize the two heavies contesting his flag. I also end up scoring my flag, which means that I will win on my next turn. 

Score 4-0

Victory for the Mercenaries!

:: Evaluation ::

It is rough to get through this list when you don’t have any access to anti-heal tech. Losing the Fell Curse on the Thamarite Advocate hurts a lot because Flames was already a good drop into Exalted. Now the only anti heal left in Mercs is Void archons, which pidgeon-holes me into either Thexus or Strange Bedfellows. The thought of dropping Thexus into immovable Exalted models don’t excite me, but since I don’t own the models for Strange Bedfellows I don’t really have much of a choice if I want to have any chance into Mak2, Tharn, Harby or Primal Terrors. Who knows, maybe these lists will not be in the meta at all going forward, but I have to say that Makeda2 is looking very strong at the moment. 

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