130 Bart1 TC vs Maddox1 SD

130 Bart1 TC vs Maddox1 SD


Time for another game with the pirates. This time vs. Maddox in Storm Division, which is a macthup I think will be very interesting. I have the shooting advantage, but my opponent hits really hard and may be able to chew through Batten down the Hatches.



[Theme] Talion Charter

[Montador 1] Captain Bartolo Montador [+28]

 – Freebooter [9]

 – Freebooter [9]

 – Galleon [35]

Death Archon [8]

Death Archon [8]

Dirty Meg [3]

Powder Monkey [0(2)]

Powder Monkey [0(2)]

Powder Monkey [0(2)]

Stonecold Black Bella [0(5)]

Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]

Scharde Dirge Seers [0(6)]

Sea Dog Pirates (min) [7]

 – Mr. Walls, the Quartermaster [4]

 – Sea Dog Pirate Rifleman (3) [3]

The Commodore Cannon & Crew [7]




[Theme] Storm Division

[Maddox 1] Major Beth Maddox [+30]

 – Firefly [8]

 – Reliant [13]

 – Stormclad [17]

Captain Arlan Strangewayes [4]

Journeyman Warcaster [4]

 – Firefly [8]

Lieutenant Gwen Keller [0(5)]

Major Katherine Laddermore [8]

Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]

Stormblade Captain [4]

Stormsmith Stormcaller [1]

Stormsmith Stormcaller [1]

Storm Lances (max) [20]

Stormblade Infantry [9]

 – Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard [0(5)]

 – Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (2) [4]

Stormsmith Storm Tower [4]


I go first, yay!

Turn 1A

I run up as far as I can, just making sure that the important stuff has enough sac pawn or is outside of range of the reliant. I forget to place the bombardments as ususal. 

Turn 1B

Stormblade infantry get Dauntless Resolve and run up not minifeating. Holding the minifeat is a good move against Bart since they are the only models in my opponent’s army who can counter my feat. Unfortunately for my opponent they are now within both shooting range of my Galleon and within threat of the central Death Archon. 

The Storm Tower gets Snipe and disrupts the purple Freebooter. The e-leap kills the Powder Monkey which I had stupidly placed within 4”.

Turn 2A

Ayana kisses the Stormblade infantry and the Galleon and Death Archon nearly wipe the whole unit. Gwen Keller is also killed in the process. I make sure that all scenario elements are well defended and pop Bart’s feat.

Turn 2B

The Stormclad kills the Death Archon. Everything else just shuffles around. The Storm tower disrupts the green Freebooter this time, while the Firefly and Laddermore deal a good chunk of damage to the Purple Freebooter and e-leaping a bunch of pirates in the process. 

Acosta runs up to engage Bella2 behind the forest on the left, but is not very visible in the picture because of the giant tree. 

Score 0-0

Turn 3A

Bella shoots the objective to get a loot token, which she uses to boost to hit Acosta. I need to remember this nice combo to use the objective to gain tokens for future games. Other than that I try desperately to remove the Firefly since that the only warjack my opponent has over on his strong flank, but I unfortunately leave it alive on just a few boxes. I pull the Freebooter back behind the wall hoping that this can take away an incoming attack or two (spoiler alert: it doesn’t matter!).  All in all I score a solid four points. 

Score 4-0

Turn 3B

Maddox feats and takes a risk to charge in to kill the green Freebooter. The Galleon is still contesting the flag so my opponent will not score the center points anytime soon, but it was a smart move to bring the caster in to do work when he is starting to fall behind on attrition and scenario. I will now have to choose if I want to keep playing for attrition ie. not punish him for being greedy with his caster, or take the assassination but risk failing. 

Score 4-2

Turn 4A

I have a great struggle getting rid of the two Fireflies, but manage to do it in the end. But somehow I manage to pull the Galleon out of the zone when changing its facing, so now it is not scoring even though I managed to clear the contesting units. 

Bart decides to continue putting up Batten down the Hatches, and as a consequence just gets slightly behind the forest, but out of line of sight of the Storm Lances.

Score 4-2

Turn 4B

The Stormclad has now lost its cortex and is stationary. With no more tools to deal with my Galleon, my opponent starts looking for an assassination. However, I have been kind and given Maddox a nice charge on Mr. Walls which will bring Maddox into melee with Montador. She goes in, but misses quite a few attacks due to Monkey Bite from Mr. Walls actually coming into play for a change. However, Bart is boxed on the very last attack. I go to roll my tough check and just know that I will roll a six….

… Victory for the Mercenaries!

:: Evaluation ::

This was an great matchup where both players had some counter tech, but also some weak points. I got off to a very good start when I got to kill nearly the whole Storm Blade unit before my feat. But I came extremely close to losing the game with only a successful tough check saving my bacon. I did not need to cast Batten that turn and should just have ran Bart far far away from the action.

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