128 Damiano1 SoF vs Gearhart MO

128 Damiano1 SoF vs Gearhart MO


My opponent is teching for some specific matchups and wanted to get some practice with a variant of the Gearhart ass mountain list. I figured I might as well try and drop Damiano and see what happens. I suspect the ARM buff will be quite useless, but I should be able to get a decent alpha if I can trigger Road to War.

Mercenaries, Soldiers of Fortune


  • Toro
  • Rocinante
  • Nomad



2x Ironhead

2x Steelhead Gunner



Death Archon

2x Steelhead Cannon

2x Steelhead Mortar



Crucible Guard

[Theme] Magnum Opus

[Gearhart 1] Marshal General Baldwin Gearhart [+27]

 – Suppressor [13]

 – Vindicator [15]

 – Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc [0(5)]

Ascendant Mentalist [4] – Liberators

Ascendant Mentalist [4] – Liberators

Trancer [0(3)]

Trancer [0(3)]

Trancer [0(3)]

Trancer [0(3)]

Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (min) [8] – Eradicators

Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (max) [13] – Eradicators

Crucible Guard Infantry (max) [13]

 – Crucible Guard Infantry Officer & Standard [4]

Failed Experiments (max) [14] – Galvanizers

Failed Experiments (max) [14] – Galvanizers


I get first turn. 

Turn 1A

Running forward, nothing special.

Turn 1B

Opponent runs up keeping outside of 12” which is my charge + crane threat. Gearhart shadowbinds the Ironhead in the center. 

Turn 2A

I ambush in Anastasia to kill the Mentalist on the left. My plan is to trigger Road to war and charge in Rocinante to take out the Suppressor under feat. This would go a long way to protect my Battle Group from getting wrecked on the counter. I miss a lot of shots, but in the end I manage to land a Cannon shot on the left where I had killed the Arcanist. Unfortunately Rociante fails to kill the Suppressor. In hindsight I feel that the decision to feet may be incorrect here. Once the Arcanist died I could have prioritized my shooting a bit different and actually gotten in a Cannon shot or maybe two before committing Rocinante. With a bit of luck I may be able to kill the Suppressor without feating which means I will get to use my feat to get more out of the STR buff. 

Turn 2B

Gearhart feats and kills Rocinante super easily. The Death archon survives two charging Assault troopers under Gearhart feat due to the effective DEF 16 and ARM 22 stats.

The CGI kill most of the Halberdiers. Unfortunately I have still left a gap where a Failed Ex can run in to contest the flag. 

Score 0-2

Turn 3A

I goof around a bit with the Death Archon killing a bunch of Assault troopers, but fail to kill the Vindicator. I am not going to score any zones and it is pretty clear that my opponent will win next turn. Since it is still early in the evening I ask my opponent if we can call the game and play another matchup. He is kind enough to accept. 

Sadly, a loss for the Mercenaries

:: Evaluation ::

I don’t think this is a very good matchup to begin with and while it was annoying to leave the Suppressor alive I don’t think Gearhart will have much problem to deal with a couple of ARM 22 jacks. My main issue is that this is a combined arms list and my shooting is not going to do anything, while my opponent can just sit back and pick of unit after unit with the CGI while the medium based infantry charge in on my battle group. Though I was very happy with the Death Archon with access to Damiano’s Surefoot and feat.

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