118 Irusk1 LoS vs Asphyxious3 BI

118 Irusk1 LoS vs Asphyxious3 BI


I have previously played Irusk1 in Jaws at the 50points level to great success, but I have not been able to find a Jaws list that makes any sense in Brawl. I therefore ended up in Legion of Steel using Iron Fang Black Dragons to get a durable and hard hitting unit. 


Legion of Steel


  • Destroyer
  • Juggernaut

Black Dragons + UA

Sofya Skirova

Iron Fang Kovnik



Black Industries

Asphyxious3 & Vociferon

  • Barathrum
  • Cankerworm
  • Slayer
  • Deathripper


River Raider


Hellslinger Phantom


Cryx wins the roll off and I go for the best side.

Turn 1A
Barathrum walks up and digs in. The rest runs, Ol’Grim on the flag and the Hellslinger on the right. Arc node is behind the obstruction.

Turn 1B

Juggernaut gets Superiority and runs to a spot where he threatens the whole rectangular zone. The Black dragons fan out staying either out of LoS or out of range of Ol’Grim.

Turn 2A

The Deathripper stays out of LoS and advance range of the Juggernaut. Ol’Grim stays on the flag and the remaining jacks hide outside of threat ranges, locking down the circular zone. 

Turn 2B

I go for a risky play where I advance Irusk forward to Airburst Ol’Grim and then give myself Reposition to get away from Barathrum’s line of sight. It is only a POW 8, so I need 8 to hit and 10 to kill and it would cost me 5 Focus. Luckily I succeed, denying my opponent the point. The Black Dragons breathe a collective sigh of relief. Skirova and the Kovnik go to block the trample lanes. 

Score 2-0

Turn 3A

It turns out that I ran the Kovnik a tiny bit too far up and have left a landing spot for Barathrum to land. My opponent does some calculations and figures that it is not a good assassination run since he would only get unboosted attacks needing 7s to hit. Buy or boost puts it at a 22.6%. If Gaspy only had a couple of souls available he could have cast Calamity turning it into a 65.7%. Fortunately for me he was just one Focus short, or two I suppose since he would have wanted to boost. But this could have been avoided all together if I had only been a bit more precise with the Kovnik placement!

Instead of going for the caster kill my opponent sends in the Slayer to kill the Kovnik and disable Sofya. The Deathripper runs to the corner of the zone. Hellslinger fluffs all his damage rolls. Gaspy feats.

Score 2-1

Turn 3B

Irusk feats goes back outside of Gaspy’s heat, hands off Battle Lust to the IFP and repositions forward to stand on the flag. I charge the Slayer with 6 pikemen, commenting that I am probably overcommitting. Three pikemen are charging Vociferon. They also mini feat for Iron Zeal. Somehow I manage to leave the Slayer not only alive but also quite functional! Admittedly I am a bit cocky because I forget about Precision Strike on the first couple of hits, which would likely have taken out Movement, but don’t bother to go back and fix it since I just assume that the rest will hit. As an insult to injury I do a 3 man combine on Vociferon but roll snake eyes! Rolling out the three attacks individually would be better because of the variance. 

This means that I am not going to be able to score my own flag. At least the Juggernaut goes in and smashes up the Deathripper. He will now be out of command for the next turn, but at least I can score the point while also getting rid of the arc node. The Destroyer shoots the Mechanitrall off the flag.

Score 3-1

Turn 4A

Gaspy, the Hellslinger Phantom, the Slayer and Barathrum clear up all Black Dragons except the two behind the forest. Vociferon runs to the flag and the Cancerworm runs to contest the rectangular zone.

Score 3-2

Turn 4B

I start considering my options, but none seem very good. The best case scenario is that the Destroyer removes the Slayer, Irusk nukes Vociferon and stands on the flag and then the two remaining Black Dragons run in to contest the zone. Then I go to 4-2, 4-4 on my opponent’s turn and then I would probably not be able to contest the circular zone. I can now see that it looks like there is a line where I run only one Black Dragon to contest and then the other out of command, probably behind the cloud, to be in reserve to contest on my last turn.I didn’t see this line at the time so I just go for an assassination which fails. 

Score 3-3

Turn 5A
Gaspy charges in and kills Irusk. 

Sadly, a loss for the Khadorans

:: Evaluation ::

A tight game which I probably lost due to not remembering Precision strike on the Black Dragons to take out the Movement system on the Slayer who was up in my face. I should have gone for the play where I ran a Black dragon out of command as a reserve contesting piece for the last turn. 

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