163 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Vindictus1 FM

It is time for another Steamroller and I am playing Ossrum / Fiona. Ossrum is a given to at least have a tiny bit of hope against CG and Retribution, but leading up to the tournament I have been considering to play Thexus as my off-list. Fiona has some annoying blind spots and I don’t want my lists to be so telegraphed against shooting. Thexus helps with this, but in the end I figure that I can’t play two lists with low damage output in a world which includes Karchev2.

My first opponent is playing Vindictus / Feora4, both in FM. There is no way I can play Fiona into Vindictus so I just have to try my luck with Ossrum. My opponent does indeed choose Vindictus so we are off to a challenging start of the tournament.

163 Ossrum1 Irreg vs Vindictus1 FM Read More »