Jaws of the Wolf

168 Fiona1 Irreg vs Karchev2 Jaws

We were three people from our gaming club at the convention so naturally we had to enter the three man tournament. The TO assigned us the fabulous team name ‘The Nordic Walkers’. We didn’t fiddle too much around with the list composition since I only had my two pre-planned lists and my teammates were pretty much locked into Gearhart1 and Issyria1. We ended up with the follwing comp:

168 Fiona1 Irreg vs Karchev2 Jaws Read More »

164 Fiona1 Irreg vs Karchev2 Jaws

Second game and my opponent is rocking Karchev2 Jaws and Vlad3 WoOF. This was exactly the reason why I had brought Fiona in my list pair so I have to drop her, but I am a bit worried of potentially facing a Judicator with HoF if my opponent decides to drop Vlad3. Lucky for me it seems like he is basically just one-listing K2D2 this tournament so I get to stress test Fiona in the matchup. In theory this should be as good as an answer I can muster since I have a good mix of ARM debuffs and control elements in my list. 

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