109 Ossrum1 HS vs Haley3 GD
I got the chance to play against a Cygnar player who had a Haley3/Siege1 pairing prepared. With the October Dynamic Update nerfs spoiled I am a bit low on actual workable lists so I asked my opponent if he would be OK with me playing Ossrum. Strictly speaking it could be argued Harlowe Holdemhigh has been sidegraded, but in Hammerstrike I would have prefered to still have the the old version because of the low opportunity cost on Req options and because he was my main Snipe target. Anyway, my opponent has kicked out the Morrowan Archon from his Haley3 list and was happy to stress test into a matchup that I would consider quite rough for Cygnar.
109 Ossrum1 HS vs Haley3 GD Read More »