2d6 BrawlMachine #1

098 Damiano1 SoF vs Ghyrrshyld4 DoI

For the last game of the tournament I face a Ret player with a Garryth2 and Goreshade4 pairing. The prospect of facing either ARM 23 Wardens or Garryth2’s feat meant that I would need to drop Damiano since I would need some extra punch and number of bodies. My opponent opts to drop Gorshade4 simply for the reason that he has played Garryth for the two previous rounds. In my eyes a perfectly valid reason and I think it will be a pretty even matchup anyway. 

098 Damiano1 SoF vs Ghyrrshyld4 DoI Read More »

097 Damiano1 SoF vs Haley3 GD

For my second game of the tournament I get paired up against a Haley3 Gravediggers list. Again this is a caster and theme I have played a whole lot myself so I was very happy to not have any surprises coming my way on the opposite side of the table. On the other hand I  am well aware that it will be a strong list. His other list was Caine2, so I had to drop Damiano in any case. 

097 Damiano1 SoF vs Haley3 GD Read More »

096 Ashlynn2 Irregulars vs Rask1 WWFF

After a long break it is finally time to get back into gaming again and what better way to start off than joining a small BrawlMachine tournament? I haven’t kept up with the meta at all, but after reading through Brawlmachine Team Championship lists and results stats I decided on a Damiano & Ashlynn2 pair which should be pretty solid. I was happy to see that my first opponent had a Rask list since that is a caster that I have played a lot myself so at least I don’t need to worry too much about remembering what the stuff on the other side of the table could do (with the notable exception of one Death Archon).

096 Ashlynn2 Irregulars vs Rask1 WWFF Read More »